Chapter 31: When You Love Someone

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"Nah, I'm just going to head back to my room and lie down," Tyler assures him. "You guys can come if you want to hear all about it."

Trevor follows behind us as we head down the hall to Tyler's room, and we pick up Matt as we pass by his room. I don't blame them for being curious. From their perspective, I took Tyler home for a few days and brought him back looking like he got the crap beaten out of him. They're probably wondering what exactly goes on in my cult.

Tyler slides into his bed and puts his feet up, and I help him arrange his pillows so he can prop himself up while Matt and Trevor watch. I'm impressed how concerned they are for him. It's cute and heartwarming. I also hope it means they'll take care of him once I have to go back to my dorm.

"Gather 'round, children, to hear the tale of the day I got my ass handed to me," Tyler calls out in an exaggerated storyteller's voice.

I settle in next to him on the bed while Trevor takes a seat at our feet. Matt pulls up the desk chair next to me. I smirk when I realize that we really did gather around, just like Tyler told us to.

"So, you know how a lot of the guys at Aly's place are these like super ripped tough guys? Somehow, I got it in my head that I was a tough guy too, and begged some of them to let me work out and spar with them," Tyler continues explaining, using his normal voice now.

This is the explanation we came up with together to explain his injuries, since I'm not exactly ready to tell the other guys the truth yet.

"I got cocky after it went well for the first bit and told them to stop holding back. Well, they did, and though it looks bad, I don't regret it. Not only was it fun as hell, but those guys taught me a lot and I learned some things I need to do to step up my strength workouts. I'm even thinking about getting into martial arts now."

"That's insane," Trevor responds. "You're insane. You're, like, completely black and blue and you're sitting there saying you enjoyed it?"

"I don't think it's the pain he enjoyed," Matt defends him.

"No, definitely not," Tyler agrees. "The pain sucks, but I was having so much fun learning new things and moving in new ways that I wasn't really paying attention to that in the moment. It gets worse after the adrenaline rush wears off and the stiffness sets in."

"Why is everyone at your place so into fitness?" Matt turns to me and asks. He doesn't seem to be judging, just genuinely curious. "I had noticed that too. All the guys I saw, even your dad, are massive."

"Health and fitness are important to us," I explain. "Even I work out regularly, and so does my mom, pretty much everyone. It's good for you, and it teaches discipline. You learn to be in tune to your body in ways you wouldn't otherwise, and it's good for bonding with people, too. A lot of our workouts are cooperative."

"That actually sounds kind of nice," Matt replies.

"You're welcome to join us for workouts whenever you want, man. Both of you, if you're interested." Tyler offers to his roommates.

I turn to look at him, stunned that he would offer that to the guy he knows he is directly competing with. It could be one of those things you say to be polite, knowing that the other person will decline, but I don't think so. The way Tyler is smiling at me tells me there's more to it. I wish I could mind-link him to find out what he's thinking.

"I might just do that. Thanks, man," Matt surprises me by accepting the offer.

It suddenly feels like I have been transported to some sort of parallel universe. Not only is Tyler inviting Matt along to do something that is kind of special to us, but the imagery in my mind is too much. Matt and Tyler both sweaty and grunting in front of me? I'm not sure if my brain can handle that.

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