Chapter 2 Part 1

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Remember, this is a drabble type story. If that bothers you, I'd suggest reading once a week or every other week. It's the same as posting 2K words a week, but instead I'll be posting around 500 words a few times a week.

I like it because you can just pop in for a quick read and get on with your day. 

Thanks to the sweet Megan and amazing Autumn.  


"What do you think it means to have experience in construction? " I asked looking through the want ads.

My sister laughed. "I think it means you have to actually have built something."

"I have built something." I argued. "I built that bird house in shop class."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what they mean."  She was right of course. Alice was my younger sister. At nineteen she thought she knew everything, then again, she was doing better than I was at her age. She was in school, the spring of her second year at the local community college. It wasn't Harvard, but she'd gotten a scholarship and was working to pay the rest of tuition. She'd moved in with me and the two of us were trying to keep up with rent on our crappy two bedroom apartment.

Her major was 3D animation and she wanted to work on special effects in movies and television shows. I had no idea how many things used 3D animation until she started pointing them all out.

I'd been in school too. I'd always wanted to work in finance, but my junior year, when I'd ended up pregnant, all of that changed. I'd been with Jake. He was in school as an art major. He was open with his thoughts and feelings. I'd never met anyone like him.

We started dating the middle of the fall semester. After a few weeks I'd decided to sleep with him. I thought it would be forever. I couldn't have been more wrong.

He was my first lover and despite what I knew about birth control, he convinced me that the rhythm method was safe. Apparently this white girl has no rhythm because I got pregnant before our three month anniversary.

Jake had been excited. He'd said that we could get a place together and raise the baby. I wasn't thrilled, but I thought things would be fine. I'd been so naive, believing him. We got an apartment off campus but by the end of the third month he didn't have his share of the rent money.

I made it through the spring semester with little to no help from Jake. He barely stayed at the apartment saying that he preferred to stay at the frat house with his new fraternity brothers. If joining a fraternity while your girlfriend was pregnant didn't send up warning bells, I'm not sure what would have. Again, I was young and wanted to believe things would be fine.

When summer came, I'd expected to see Jake more, but it was the opposite. I went to the fraternity house to find him. I don't know what I expected to find, but it sure wasn't him in bed with two women. He'd stood there in the hall in just a sheet when he told me that he wasn't a one woman kind of guy. I didn't even argue or fight. I knew there would be no point. I was in this alone.

Chapter End Notes:

Also, people asked how to subscribe. In the morning I will send out the next part. You simply go to this link and subscribe to the newsletter. I use the addresses to email the next part of my story.!home/mainPage

Thanks for the reviews.. LOVE THEM!

On another note, I have a new book out!

Milk MoneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora