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     After meeting Lucious Malfoy, Harry notices that Mr. Malfoy had slipped a black book into Ginny's cauldron. The Malfoys and the Weasleys hated each other. In the wizarding world, there are blood types. Each person has a blood status. Some wizards could be purebloods, Half-bloods, and muggleborn. The Malfoys and the Weasleys are both pure blooded families. The Malfoys simply think they're inferior to muggle borns and half bloods because they believe that muggles cannot produce magic, and muggleborns don't deserve their magic. The Malfoys and The weasleys are cousins through Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

     Harry took Mione's hand and walked out the bookshop with her. He felt bad that Mr. Malfoy talked about how Hermione's parent's are muggles, making her muggleborn. Mr. Weasley lunged at Lucious Malfoy, tackling him almost for speaking ill of his family. A couple of hours later, Hermione comes into Harry's guest bedroom at the Weasley's Burrow. He was reading a book, not noticing her. He didn't notice until she knocked on his door and called his name.

   "Oh hey, Mione, what's up?" Harry sat his book down to look her.

Hermione took a deep breath while looking at Harry. "Harry I need to tell you something, and I need you to promise not to freak out." She replied, nervously.

He smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me anything, I won't get mad, Mione."

"You promise?" She asked coming closer.

"I promise."

"Well I...I-" Hermione was cut off.

She was interrupted by Ron telling her and Harry that dinner was ready. Hermione wanted to tell Harry how she felt, but Ron ruined the moment unknowingly. She suddenly didn't want to tell Harry anymore, her mood went down a bit and she felt uncomfortable to even say it.

"In a minute, Ron" Harry said, looking in the doorway.

"Okay, but either your food will get cold or it will be all gone." Ron excited ran downstairs to get his food.

Harry looked back Hermione. "Now what were you going to tell me, Mione?"

Hermione shooked her head. "I'm kinda not in the mood for it anymore, Harry."


"I SAID NO!" Hermione ran downstairs, leaving Harry speechless.

    Harry went downstairs, feeling bad. Hermione didn't speak to anyone. Ginny offered Harry a seat next to her which was across from Hermione. He sat down. Both Harry and Hermione didn't eat. They stared at their food, Harry playing with his while holding his fork. She didn't talk during the whole time they ate dinner. A hour later, it was time to sleep. The children had to wake up early the next day to catch the train. Hermione didn't say a word to Harry for the rest of the evening.

     It was now the next day. Arthur  reminded the children to pack their bags quickly so they wouldn't miss the train. Harry slept in late, he had a lot on his mind. Hermione went to go and wake up Harry. She felt a bit bad for yelling at him last night. She put her hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He groaned a bit as he had woken up. The first thing he saw was Hermione's face. He stared at her, still speechless from last night. He felt like it was his fault. He felt like he was losing his best friend and the girl he loved. They walked downstairs side by side, not saying a single word to each other. Five minutes later, they arrive at King's cross Station. One by one, each kid ran into the wall to get through to the other side to catch the train. However, when it Harry's and Hermione's turn, they cannot get through. The entrance must have sealed up. When they tried to run through, they crashed into the wall, hitting their heads. Hermione wasn't going to give up, she had an idea on how to get to Hogwarts. She asked Harry if he had his broom with him.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? Are we going to fly to Hogwarts? But 'mione, you're afraid of heights." Harry looked at her.

"Not while I'm with you, now c'mon!"

Harry and Hermione went outside, her hands dragging him. As they got outside, Harry took out his broom. 

"Hey Harry wait." Hermione told him.

"What's wrong, mione?"

    Hermione realised that they simply cannot carry all their trunks while flying on the broom together. They would simply have to find another way. Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and started walking. Harry followed while carrying his trunk. After ten minutes, they went into a store that had a fireplace and decided to use floo powder. Five hours later, they arrive at Hogwarts. Argus Filch caught them just as they walked up the castle's stairs. He took them to McGonagall's office.

"Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger, how did this happen? you arrived five hours late." McGonagall stood from her chair and walked around her table.

"Well professor McGonagall, we missed the train for eleven because the entrance was sealed up somehow so I figured we'd use the fireplace." Hermione explained, holding Harry's hand.

"Well we could have sent someone to get you if you would have sent a letter." The professor told them.

     Harry and Hermione immediately apologized. The other students arrived already and is already in the Gryffindor common room. Professor McGonagall had made sure the two preteens had some food before sending them to the common room. When they got to the common room, the lights were off and everyone was asleep. The two decided to spend some time together. Harry explained to Hermione that he had been having dreams since the summer. They were all the same dreams of him facing Voldemort and...losing Hermione. Hermione meant a lot to Harry. She was and is his first love. Harry really cared about Hermione as much as she cared for him. She gave him a hug and told him that she wasn't going anywhere. Harry looked at Hermione, leaning towards her and giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Hermione asked Harry why he had kissed her on the cheek, He told her that he didn't want to lose her.  They were about to hug but sadly, they were interrupted.

"Hi Harry, Hi Hermi- were you two gonna kiss?" The red haired girl said, coming downstairs.

"What? no we're just friends, we were just about to hug." Harry said, pretending to be disgusting by the thought.

"Yeah ew, I don't like Harry." Hermione pretended to gag.

The two tweens were both trying pretended they weren't hurt by what each other said. After Ginny walked off, it left the two in a very awkward situation.

"Mione?" Harry looked at her.


"Is it true about what you said? You don't like me, right?"

"Right, I mean we're just friends, nothing else." Hermione lied.

"Goodnight Hermione, see you in the morning."


That's it guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, what do you think will happen next? Vote and comment. Peace!

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