Ch.22 All good things come to an end.

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Warm water rolled off of his shoulders as the omega relaxed against the cool blue tile wall.

He rested his head against the tile, lazily shifting his weight. Closing his eyes he relished in the warmth that flowed down his back, the coolness that spread across his abdomen.

He sighed contentedly massaging the shampoo through his scalp, tilting his head he let the foam be rinsed out. After a long couple of days he was finally able to get a little alone time.

Katsuki was looking after Katsume while the omega showered. Although he was only just two months old he was very much his dada's boy, and he didn't like being away from the omega for long, throwing fits whenever he left.

Since he'd been born, poor Deku barely had a moment to himself, and he would get even less once Katsuki started work again.

To be honest Izuku was a little jealous of his fiançé, he was happy to be a father of course, but, he couldn't help but miss his job as a hero. It was his calling and he'd trained for years to accomplish his dream and now he'd have to be temporarily out of action.

Or, permanently out of action.

He paused the warm water suddenly feeling cold on his skin, permanently? He echoed the thought.

He shook himself to rid his mind of the random negative thought that was so out of character for him.

What was he thinking? Of course he would go back, being a hero has been his entire life, he wouldn't give it up. Never in a million years.

He pushed away the idea, but a seed of doubt had already taken root. Would I really be able to go back?

The thought settled in the front of his mind making him puzzle over it. His brain quickly took off in a flurry of thoughts.

What if I was on a mission and Katsume needed me but Katsuki couldn't handle it? I guess there's my mom and Mitsuki but what if even they couldn't calm him down?

His heart twisted painfully at the idea of his baby crying for him and he was off fighting villains, not even there to take care of him. Would he think he had abandoned him?

What if something happened to him while he was out on the field and he really didn't come back? The very thought felt like a baseball bat to the gut.

He imagined Katsuki struggling to take care of the baby while being distraught and heartbroken, Katsume not understanding why his Papa had suddenly disappeared. His scent and traces of him slowly fading, leaving them wondering, why did he have to go?

Tears began burning the omegas eyes mixing in with water as he sniffled.

He hurriedly turned off the shower wiping his face.

He took deep breaths calming the sweltering pheromones of his own distress.

He talked himself down from this madness.

It's not true, you imagined it. You're here your fine, their fine, it's ok. He wiped his face again sniffling a little more.

"Damn hormones.." he mumbled but some part of him suspected it was more than that, but he shied away from that train thought. I'm just over tired.

He shivered, the draft from under the door cooling his freshly wet body. Suddenly a towel sounded heavenly.

He stepped out of the shower reaching for the towel for comfort, he patted his face inhaling the soft smell of detergent and his mates pheromones. Kastsuki must have put this one on the shelf..

After drying himself he quickly swiped the steam of the mirror looking over himself. He leant over the sink examining his face. His eyes were a bit red but he could play it off as shampoo ran down his face.

He stepped out of the bathroom making a quick walk through the hallway to their bedroom.

He picked a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Slipping into his evening attire he grabbed the towel his way to the door. Katsuki wasn't in there so he must have been in the living area.

He was drying his hair as he padded down the hallway. He was about to call out to Katsuki to let him know he could shower now that he was done.The words caught in his throat as he took in the sight in front of him.

Katsuki was standing in the kitchen as the kettle bubbled in the corner, but Izuku wasn't paying attention to the boiling water, his attention was zeroed in on the alpha.

He was swaying gently back and forth, gently shifting his weight from foot to foot.

The usually fussy Katzume, was drooling over his shoulder, eyes drooped, his father's almost closed as well. But it wasn't the sight as (breath stealing as it was), that had stopped the omega,

He was singing.

Well it was more of a hum of their old theme song for All Might.

All might, All might, he always saves the day...

The quiet rumbles echoing throughout the dim kitchen, Izuku melted.

He bathed in the quiet singing for a while until he was sure the pup was fully asleep.

He spoke softly, "That was an old one.."

Bakugou turned rather quickly causing the asleep pup to grumble, his nose scrunching. The alpha looked down in a little panic seeing his hard work nearly throw out the window.

Izuku smiled sheepishly approaching him, he looked gently at his baby's face, his delicate little features relaxed in sleep.

He looked up to meet warm red eyes, swallowing him whole.

"I almost forgot about that song.." He smiled as nostalgia took hold,

" Those days seem like so long ago.."

He frowned as the the little voice whispered in his ear,

You really think you can go back? All you're good for now is raising your pup's and scrubbing the dishes.

He narrowed his eyes, where was this coming from?


He looked up and smiled it not quite reaching his eyes,

"I was just thinking."

He could tell Katsuki didn't buy it,

"You should sing more, you know."

He teasingly smiled, glazing over the faked smile with a real one.

Katsuki grunted, he knew what he was doing, but he'd drop it for now.

"Let's get mister difficult here off to bed, yeah?"

The omega tilted his head in the direction of the pup's crib. The blonde alpha wordlessly made his way to their bedroom setting him down in his crib. The whistle of the kettle going off in the background.

Izuku leaned in the doorway watching his fiancé, as the little voice in the back of his head wriggled it's way to the surface

You'll never be good enough.

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