Cliff Burton

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Warnings: knives, blood
Word count: 944

"Y/n!!" My sister yells

I run downstairs, my shoes heavily stomping in the old wooden floors.


"Josh broke up with me."

"I'm sorry."

"And it's your fault."


"It's all your fault!" She screams

"How is it my fault?!"

"He said you called him and told him I cheated on him." She whines

"I never did that, your boyfriends an idiot." I roll my eyes

"You bitch!" She yells "I never did anything to him."

"I'm aware." I say, my eyes going wide as she cries

"I hate you so fucking much!"

She runs towards me, swinging her arms and pushing me to the ground.

"Get off of me!" I yell

She pushed me down so I lay flat on my back, proceeding to sit on top of me, her hands holding my shoulders down.

"You're gonna pay for what you did." She says

She pulls a knife from her back pocket, dragging it across my cheek and watching as blood spills from the cut. I smack her hand, the knife flying away. I push her off of me, standing up. She charges towards me again, ripping the sleeve of my flannel off and going completely berserk. She punched me in the stomach over and over until I barely escape the house, running as fast as I can.

I decide to make my way to cliffs house, hoping he'd be home. I ran until I see his place and notice his car on the side of the road. I watch as he gets out of the car.

"Y/n?" He says

"Cliff! Cliff....." I pant

"Woah what happened?"

"M-my sister." My breath was heavy

"Here, let's go inside."

He leads me to the porch, unlocking the door before stepping inside.

"So what happened?"

"My sister." I pant

My vision was blurring in and out, going bright and then dark.

"Let me get some water." He walks into the kitchen

I try following him but collapse and everything goes dark.

Hours later

My eyes flutter open and I hear people talking in the other room.

"James what the hell am I supposed to do with her? I don't know what happened."

"I don't know man, just see if she's awake or something, get her water, maybe Advil or something."

I hear footsteps come closer to me.

"Y/n? Y/n?" Cliff whispers

"Cliff?" I sit up

"Y/n oh my god! You're awake."

"Yea, hi."

"What the hell happened?" He asks

"I- my sister." I stumble over my words "her boyfriend dumped her."

"What does that have to do with you?"

"She thinks it's my fault."


"Yea." I nod "and she went fucking crazy."

"Yea I can tell." He says "let me get you some water and painkillers."

I nod. Seconds later he comes back with a glass of water and a few pills.

"So what exactly happened?"

"She pinned me down and dragged a knife across my face." I laugh, the whole thing seemed so stupid now that I say it aloud

"You're laughing?" He sounded shocked

"It seems stupid now." I shrug

"I- you got stabbed, like with a knife and you think it's stupid?"

"A little bit?" I shrug "I don't know, it doesn't seem like her."

"Do you have any idea how much trouble she could get in, like with the law? She could go to jail for attempted murder." He says

"I don't know." I shrug

"Why don't we get you a new t shirt and go from there." He suggests

I nod and he takes my hands in his, lifting me from the couch as we walk towards his bedroom. He tosses me a misfits t shirt, saying he's wait for me in the kitchen.

I wait for him to leave and watch as he closes the door behind him. I slide my t shirt off, tossing it in the floor and sliding the new one on. I fold the other t shirt and hear people talking.

"Is she ok? What happened?" James asks

"Her sister man, she's gotta get out of that house." Cliff responds


"I don't know but it has to happen soon, there's no fucking way we're just gonna stand by when we know what her sister could do."

"Yea I agree man but how are we gonna do it?"

"Not sure, we'll figure it out."

I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, alarmed with their conversation.

"You know I'm fine right?" I say "I don't need to be moved out of my house just cuz of my sister."

"Y/n we don't know how safe it is." Cliff says "let alone what she could do next, why don't you just stay here tonight and think about it?"

"Yea fine." I shrug, crossing my arms

"Well I gotta go, I'll see you two later." James says, exiting

The room falls silent after James left, I could tell Cliff was stressed.

"I love you y/n, you know I don't want your sister hurting you."

"I know Cliff, it's just hard." I say

"I get it, come here."

He extends his arm out and takes my hand , pulling me closer to him and into a secure hug. My eyes start to brim with tears, and I could feel as they streamed down my cheeks.

"Hey, it's ok y/n." He says, tracing circles on my back with his thumb "I get it's hard, it's ok. I'm here for you."

"I know Cliff, I'm sorry, I'm trying, I really am." I sniffle

"I know, I'm proud of you." He kisses the top of my head

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