Heartbreaker: George

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Originally posted: June 12, 2021

-George's POV-

'Scarlet Tyler the school heartbreaker and a primadonna. Every guy she is with gets heartbroken and I'm determined to find out why. I mean she's not even a Slytherin, she's a Gryffindor. That smug look and smirk she always has when she reveals she doesn't love the poor boy is so aggravating too. What kind of girl does that?' I'm then brought out of my thoughts by Fred. "You're staring again." He says. "I don't get it Fred who hurt her so bad that she does this to everyone she dates?" I ask as we exit the classroom and he shrugs. "Why not ask her," He says pointing to the brunette girl sitting alone for once. I smirk and march over ignoring the protests of my brother whos saying he was just joking. "Hey, Tyler," I said sitting beside her. She looks over and then looks at her plate again. "Hello Weasley," She says taking a deep breath. "How can I help you?" She asks with a smile that could literally kill any boy in an instant. "I have a question," I say and she smiles more. "And that question is?" when asks batting her eyes. "Who hurt you?" I ask bluntly she stops the charade and gets a shocked look on her face. "Wait what?" She asks. "Who hurt you so bad that you parade around school breaking the hearts of every boy you touch?" I ask again with emphasis. She gulps and gets up walking out. Before she turned away I swear I saw tears in her eyes. I go after her but suddenly I'm stopped by Fred. "Don't she's not worth it George." He says and I nod in agreement and we go and eat lunch in the Great Hall. 

-Scarlet's POV-

Here I sit in moaning myrtles bathroom crying my eyes out. Flashback of that day scrolling through my head. I scream into my hands and look into the mirror. "Rule number one is that you gotta have fun, But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to Somebody you could lose. Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek, But never on your sleeve unless you wanna taste defeat. Rule number four gotta be looking pure Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more." I say repeating the rules out loud to myself. I take a deep breath and splash water on my face and then put on a smile. I walk out and go to the Great Hall. I walk in and sit at the table. Every boy thinks they can change me regardless of my reputation. I always warn them but they never listen. Soon another boy walks up to me. "Hey Scarlet," Adam Levington says. I look over and start my process. "Hello, Adam," I say with a smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmead with me tomorrow?" he asks. "I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart" I warn and he shrugs. "I bet I can change you," He says and I sigh. "Then sure," I say and he smiles. "Awesome see you then," he says and walks back to the Ravenclaw table. I look over to see George looking at me with a look of determination. I shrug and continue to eat the little food on my plate. 

After the date at Hogsmeade where I literally shattered the poor boy's heart, I walk into the common room and sit on the couch exhausted. I grab a pillow and scream. I scream as loud as I can and let the tears flow. I suddenly feel someone touch my shoulder and I jump. Throwing the pillow to the side and looking at them terrified. My heart pounding I see non-other than George Weasley. No one has seen me like this I've always made sure of it. "Hey, hey, it's okay," He says sitting beside me. I move closer to the corner scrunching up as small as possible. "Scarlet, I'm not going to hurt you," he says holding his hands out palms up. I do something I never thought I would do again. I take his hand. He pulls me in and hugs me. "Shh, it's okay," He says quietly holding me as I cry. "Can you talk to me?" He asks and I nod. "Did something happen with Adam?" He asks and I sigh. "I just broke another boy's heart," I say quietly. He looks at me quizzically. "You don't enjoy doing that?" He asks and I shake my head. "I hate it," I say and he nods. "Then why not stop." He asks and I sigh. "Because I can't let my heart hurt again" I mumble quietly but to my dismay, he hears it. "What happened to you," He asks. I sigh and look at him. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even Fred," I say and he nods. "When I was in my first year I was dating a Slytherin boy named James Artwood, We were as happy as ever and he was my life. Until he cheated on me and broke my heart. I was devised and depressed for months until I met a girl named Amelia Santio who taught me everything I know. She said if you don't let them get to you, you don't get heartbroken but I hate hurting them. I feel so bad." I say and George nods. "What are these rules?" He asks  "Rule number one is that you gotta have fun, But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to Somebody you could lose. Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek, But never on your sleeve unless you wanna taste defeat. Rule number four gotta be looking pure Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more." I say and he nods again. "I always warn them with a line I made up myself though so I'm not totally at fault here," I say and he looks at me as if to go on. "I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart," I say and he sighs. "So the guys get themselves in these messes and blame you?" he asks. "Technically speaking I guess so yes," I say. "I use to try to defend myself but they never listen so I've given up," I say. "Let's clear your name then," he says. "How?" I ask "date someone," he says and I freeze. "Who?" I say with a gulp and a look on my face of uncertainty. "Me, I mean I know your history and I'll treat you right," George says and I think for a second. "Okay," I say with a nod and he looks at me with a smile. "Okay," He says.

The next day George and I walked into the Great Hall hand in hand. I look at George nervously once everyone looks at us and he squeezes my hand tightly. Reassuring me it'll be okay. We sit down at the table and start to eat. Suddenly Fred appears and I know I'm about to get an earful. "Hi George, Scarlet," He says and sits next to his brother. I freeze and look at my food confused then look at the twins. They smile at me and I continue to look at them confused. "I may have eavesdropped on your conversation yesterday, Don't worry everything is safe with me. I promised Georgie I wouldn't tell a soul" Fred says and I nod. "Careful George she's dangerous territory you'll get your heart broken in an instant," Jamason Lightwood says. "How exactly would you know Jamason you never went on a date with her?" George says back. George made me write every guy's heart I broke down and in total it was fifteen. "Rumors buddy," Jamason says. "Can't believe everything you hear Jamason" Fred counters and Jamason goes silent. I smile at the twins and we continue eating. 

-3 months later-

Winter Break is right around the corner and so far my name is cleared almost. there's one more person to who I need to apologize, Andrew Nightengale. I find him talking to James Artwood and Amelia Santio. "What the heck?" I think as I walk closer and hide to listen to their conversation. "Her name is almost cleared what are we going to do James," Andrew asks. "I'm not sure Amelia babe what do you think," James asks Amelia. 'Babe?' I think "We have to break up her little relationship and soil her name forever. She's dating a star Quiddige player for goodness sake, she breaks his heart she's done for" Amelia says and I slink away to find George. Once I find him I tell him everything I heard. "Let's go confront them together," He says and I nod. We enter the Great Hall and go to the Slytherin table where they are talking. "James, Amelia, Andrew, You have some explaining to do," I say getting courage for the first time. They look at each other than at us. "Oh Scarlet, George just the couple we wanted to see, George we need to tell you something Scarlet did," James says and George looks furious. "Yeah to sabotage our relationship because you have it out for her" George says and they look shocked. "James, wasn't it you who broke my heart leaving me in a fragile mindset to where id actually listen to your girlfriend, who broke my heart and told me my first 'victim' should be Andrew?" I say and the whole Great Hall is listening now. "Stay away from my boyfriend and I or so help me god," I say seething at them. They all nod. "oh and don't forget I know your secrets still" I say before walking away. George follows behind me grabbing my hand as we walk to the Gryffindor table. 

The End

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