Jessie's Girl: Fred

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Originally posted: June 11, 2021

-Fred's POV-

I watch as they walk the halls hand in hand, her head on his shoulder. Jealousy rising in me more and more as I watch. "Fred!" I hear my name get called and look to the side of me to see my brother George trying to attract my attention. "What's going on with you? You look like you want to murder someone" George says and I just shrug. "It's nothing George lets just get to class," I say as I start to walk to Potions. 'It's dumb really falling in love with your best friend's girlfriend. Jessie and I have been best friends since we were kids. His family being the only one that still talked to us Weasleys we stayed friends through thick and thin. When Scarlet Tyler came along on our first year of Hogwarts and became friends with all of us it was great until both Jessie and I grew feelings. Jessie was first to tell George and me so I kept mine a complete secret from everyone. And when they started dating in our second year,  I knew I messed up big time.' I'm brought out of my thoughts by Snape slamming a book on the table in front of me. "Mr. Weasley what is the most powerful love potion," He asks "Amortentia" I respond and he walks away with an annoyed look on his face to the front of the class. "Yes and that would be what we are making today so please gather your ingredients you will be working with your table partner." He says and goes to his desk. I look to my side to see George looking at me shocked. "What?" I ask and he just puts his hands up in defense. "Didn't expect you to know since you were so deep in thought is all" he says and I shrug. "I'm always prepared George," I say and he rolls his eyes with a look of 'okay sure'. "Let's just get the ingredients," I say annoyed and walk to the ingredients area. 

After we made the potion Snape had us all smell it and tell him what we smell. When it was my turn I took a deep breath and recognized the smell imminently. "Um, Strawberries, Flower perfume, and Leather," I say simply and Snape nods and moves onto the next student. 'thank god neither Jessie nor Scarlet are in this class' I think as I sit down. "So Scarlet?" George asks and my face gets hit with a realization. "We'll talk after class," I say between gritted teeth and he just smirks and turns to listen to everyone else's answers. 

After class George pulls me into a deserted area of the castle and looks at me. "Ok so how long," He asks. "Since the middle of first-year," I say looking down. "Why didn't you ever tell me," He asks. "Because Jessie said something first," I said shrugging. "I'm your brother, I would've helped you instead of him" George counters and I just shrug and turn to press my back against the wall. "It's whatever she's happy so that's all that matters," I say with a small smile. and George looks at me with a look and then sighs. "I'm sorry Fred," He says and I sigh, "It's whatever," I say as I walk off George right behind me. We walk along the corridors and I glance over to see Jessie with a girl I stop in my tracks, "What's wrong-" I slap my hand over George's mouth and move to hide with him. He follows my gaze and soon sees what I see. We stand there for a few more seconds until I see him kiss the girl and I start to see red. 'no one cheats on Scarlet, Not on my watch,' I think as I walk over. George tries to stop me by grabbing my hand but I yank it out forcefully looking back at him with fire in my eyes. "Go find Scar," I say quietly before continuing to Jessie. "Hey, Jessie What the hell man? That's not your girlfriend!" I yell at him and he jumps back looking at me. His face goes from shocked to scare and he goes running but I grab his jacket collar. "Not so fast," I say turning him around. "don't you think of leaving either," I say to the girl and she just nods. "Care to explain yourselves? Jessie? Amelia?" I ask and they look at each other then at me. I look out of the corner of my eye and see George and Scarlet hide. "We love each other," Amelia says. "Yeah and as long as you don't tell Scar nothing will happen," Jessie says. "Is that a threat Markson? We may have been friends since we were kids but I won't hesitate to kick your ass if I have to" I say and Jessie goes to swing but I catch his fist mid-swing. "You really are living up to the Slytherin name now arent you," I say before backing him into a wall and punching him out cold. "As for you I won't hit a girl I know better than that but I know someone who might want to," I say nodding George and Scar over. George walks over with Scar who looks Hurt and pissed off. "Amelia really?" She asks and Amelia jumps at her voice. "Scar I-" Amelia can't finish as Scarlet slaps her straight in the face. "We are so not friends anymore," She says and looks at Jessie. "Let's get him to the hospital wing, The sooner he wakes up the sooner I can break up with him," Scarlet says and we nod picking Jessie up and dragging him to the hospital wing. Once there we say he was hit we just don't say by who. They patch him up and we all sit and wait for him to wake up. 

-Scarlets POV-

Jessie starts to stir an hour later and I look at the Twins and they leave. We planned this out perfectly. Jessie opens his eyes within a groan and I act like I'm worried. "Jessie oh my gosh! Your awake thank goodness what happened love?" I ask and he looks at me with a smile. "I just hit my head is all don't worry, Here come and give me a kiss babe," he says and I lean down going to kiss him putting my hand on his cheek. When I see his eyes are closed I move my hand and quickly slap him. "Ow Scarlet, what the hell?" He asks and I smirk. "Maybe don't cheat on me and you wouldn't get slapped. We are over! Don't talk to me or the twins ever again understood?" I ask and he looks at me stunned. "Did they tell you that because they lied?" He says as I walk awaY. "nope I heard you confess myself" I say looking back and his face goes white. I look straight and walk to the twins hugging them and we walk out. 

-Christmas Break/4 Months Later-

When George invited me to stay with them for Christmas I was more than happy to oblige. Especially since I'm finally over my breakup with Jessie and I find a certain brother of his attractive. 'It's funny falling for one of your best friends. I've liked Fred since our first year but when Jessie asked me out I said yes in hopes of it going away and it did for a while but now it's back with a vengeance. I smile and look at the door in front of me. I take a deep breath and knock. The door opens to reveal George, in a famous Weasley sweater. "Gosh I would kill for one of those sweaters," I say laughing George laughs and moves to the side. "Come on in Scar Freed doesn't know you're here so please be a bit quieter, your a surprise," He says and I smile and nod. We make our way up the stairs to the twin's room and George hides me between a bed and dresser. 'thank goodness I'm small,' I think as I hide. I hear George come back into the room and then I hear Fred's voice. "Why did I need to come in here?" Fred asks. "I dropped something between the dresser and bed and can't get it. Can you try?" George says and I hold in a laugh. I hear footsteps and I then see Fred's shoes. I follow them until they are right in front of me. "What the? Scarlet?" Fred says surprised. "Hi Freddie I seem to have been dropped can you help me?" I say laughing a small smirk on my face. "You two are dorks," He says before grabbing my hands and helping me up. Once up I tackle Fred in a hug secretly taking in his smell of chocolate and smoke probably from fireworks and the inventions he makes. He hugs back holding me tightly. "Georgie invited me over for Christmas so here I am," I say and Fred looks at George with a look I can't quite read. "Well I'm glad you're here let's go meet the family," Fred says and I nod as we walk downstairs and meet everyone.

After meeting everyone we all sit and eat. "So Scarlet what's your home life like?" Percy asks and I freeze. I don't talk much about my home life because I don't really have one. "Nonexistent," I say looking down at my food. The whole table goes silent, I hate silence. "Excuse me," I say getting up and going outside. I take a deep breath and fight the tears that are welling up in my eyes. I sit on a rock and finally release the tears burring my face in my hands. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me. "Shh, it's okay love I'm here" I hear Fred say. I wrap my arms around his body listening to his heartbeat. Heartbeats always seemed to calm me down somehow. I calm down and look up at Fred. "You okay now?" He asks and I nod. "Want to talk about it?" He asks and I nod. I know I need to get this off my chest eventually so why not now. He looks at me as if to say go on. "When I got the letter saying I made it to Hogwarts my parents were extremely happy but when they found out I wasn't in Slytherin I was rejected and outcasted. I was recently kicked out of my home and was staying with Jessie but now I'm couch hopping or staying at Hogwarts as much as I can." I say looking down. "My parents wanted the perfect Slytherin family and I ruined that for them." No one loves me and I have to learn to live with that. I say quietly. "I know someone who is madly in love with you," Fred says looking me in the eyes.  "Who?" I say not believing him and looking away. I feel his hand take my chin and guide it to look at him again. "Me," he says quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Shock fills my face before a smile creeps up on it and I do something I didn't think I ever would. I smash my lips on Fred's entangling my hands in his hair. It takes him a second but he kisses back and soon his hands find my hips. We pull apart with smiles on our faces. "They say actions speak louder than words," I say and he smiles. "I got the message loud and clear love," Fred says. I smile wider "come on let's go back inside," I say and he nods taking my hand as we walk in. Newfound happiness taking over my body. I know I'm going to be okay. I just know it. 


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