Enjoyed last night babe :) 07645318463, text me when your ready, I'll drive you to school ;) xx

Part one of my plan was accomplished, I had Zach right where I wanted him, wrapped round my finger.


"Who's is that car in the driveway?" Sam asks just as I reach downstairs.

"It's Zach, he's new and he's driving me to school" I reply.

"Tell him to get inside now, no guy can talk to my sister before going through me." Sam shouts angrily.

I roll my eyes. "Stop being a drama queen, I'm going." I am out of the door before he can say anything.

I jump into Zach's car. "Thanks for driving me," I say flashing him a smile.

"Mhmm," he replies concentrating on the road.


Anyway, it was time for part two of my plan. I pull out my phone and ring Troy. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Troy,' I say uncertainly.

"Hannah, umm hi," he replies shock evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I don't know what was going through my head. I still love you Troy, I really do and I was too foolish to realise it." I say very fast. I know this is part of my plan, but I still did really love him.

"I love you too Hannah, lots. You know I'll take you back. But I just want to know, have u been with anyone, apart from Blake, since me."

I bite my lip. "Just a few meaningless flings, nothing serious." I say loudly, making sure Zach hears.

"Can you put the phone down, I'm trying to drive here.' Zach mutters angrily.

"Troy, I've gotta go, see you at school babe,' I say before ending the call.

I turn back to Zach. "What's your problem?"

"You really are the player aren't you, going back to your boyfriend you cheated on the day after sleeping with someone else," Zach says serious.

"Awh is someone jealous?" I smirk.

"No hun, I'm just worried," he replies parking in the school car park.

"Later," he says before jumping out of the car.

Shit. This wasn't part of the plan. I was supposed to make him jealous! I huff in annoyance before stomping into school.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Reece asks running to catch up with me.

"Zach did," I reply angrily.

"What did he do? do you need me to beat him up, because you know I will and I can."

I smile, Reece has always been like another brother to me. "Thanks, but I have something else in mind for him," I say winking at Reece.

"Hey Hannah," Charlotte and Shannon say walking towards me.

"Oh, hey guys,"

"Who took you to school this morning Hannah?" Shannon asks with a smirk on her face.

"And I think that's my queue to go," Reece announces. "Later babe," he says blowing a kiss to Charlotte.

"You have lots to tell us missy," Charlotte says just as the bell goes.

Time for an escape. "Oh know, that's the bell! Catch you later!" I run off before either of them can say anything.

This was going to be a long day.


"Stop throwing paper at me!" I hiss angrily to Zach behind me. It was Chemistry and too my luck, I found out Zach was in my class.

"Not until you read the note," Zach whispers leaning back on his chair smirking.

To wipe the smirk off his face, I gather the pieces of paper up, rip them up and walk towards the bin to throw them away. Ha! Take that you jerk.

"Miss Johnson, is there a problem?" Mr Smith, the teacher asks.

"Nope, just trying to deal with a certain immature failure over there," I say pointing to a wide-eyed Zach.

All the class erupts in laughter and Zach's face is full of anger.

"Hannah, please go sit down and stop disturbing the class." Mr Smith says.

"Fine," I mutter before walking towards my seat and sitting down.

I grab a piece of paper and write to Zach.

Don't mess with Karma, she's a bitch ;)

Without hesitation I throw the piece of paper behind me just as the bell rings for lunch. Grabbing my bag I quickly dash off not bothering to wait around for his response.


"Hey Troy," I exclaim happily sitting down next to him at our usual table. This was the first time we had seen each other since the get back together phone call.

"Hey babe," he responds pulling me closer.

All my friends stare at me and Troy with wide eyes.

"So, you two are back together I'm assuming?" Josh says breaking the silence.

"Yup," I reply kissing Troy on the cheek.

"So this was who drove you to school!" Shannon says.

"Umm, no, that was me." Zach says walking towards our table.

Oh no. Shit just got real.


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