Still, Mason was attractive and if that’s all it took to have him as a fuck toy then so be it. It relieved her sexual tension and boredom while under house arrest from Marcel. He was obedient, never asked questions, and most importantly kept his mouth shut about the goings on between them.

If Kol ever found out….well again Katherine didn’t want to think about it. If she'd ever lose Mason, her heart would break. Not because of love or affection, but because there wasn’t anyone else in the castle who's loyalty to her was unconditional. That being said, servants were always plentiful so if he died, there would be others waiting to take his spot.

Cupping his face in her hand, similar to her father, Katherine leaned in for another kiss before suddenly being grabbed and flipped over to stare up at Mason. Reaching his large hand down towards her panties, the werewolf's fingers slipped underneath making their way towards her cunt. Gasping in pure arousal as she closed her eyes, feeling those talented fingers work their magic, Katherine was in such ecstasy that she never heard her bedroom door open. Instead she uttered a pleased moan.

“Oh Mason, you’ll have to do better than that! Nnggh! Both you and your fingers know how to treat a la-!”

The princess's ears picked up silence, only for her to feel something wet dripping on her stomach. That’s not right. He shouldn’t have come now.

Unless it wasn’t.

What Katherine saw when she opened her eyes would give her nightmares and haunt her dreams for the rest of her life.

Above Mason's body, his hand through the werewolf's chest, stood Kol, eyes set in a cold, furious expression as he clutched his treacherous servant's heart. Blood dripped from the organ in her father’s grasp while Mason's lifeless eyes stared into Katherine’s own, his mouth open in permanent shock.

Why Mason's dead body hadn’t killed her after Kol ripped his heart out was because of her father's other hand on his shoulder, which pushed the body off the bed. His brown eyes emitted a fury that Katherine had never seen before, and it unfortunately was directed at her. It was in that moment the princess realized she was clad in only lingerie, and Kol was staring directly at his daughter's almost naked body.

Squeaking in embarrassment, Katherine quickly sped underneath the covers of her bed, her reddened face peeking out after hearing her father chuckle. However, the smile she saw when gazing up at him never met his eyes that still appeared cold and unmoving. Kol sat on the bed closer to Katherine, cupping her chin in his blood-soaked hand as he forced his daughter to look him in the eye.

There was no denying it, she was in trouble. As hard as telling it to herself was, it was even more difficult to look at the man she loved so much but had disappointed so greatly. Part of Katherine told herself she deserved whatever punishment she'd receive. Another part suggested trying to reason with Kol, convince him she made a mistake and hope he would forgive her.

Katherine was her father's favorite, after all. Right?

Before the princess could speak, her father's other hand came up to her head as he ran his fingers through those curls he loved so much. Kol’s thumb stroked her chin, almost soothing Katherine. It made her feel like a little girl again.

Taking a deep breath, the princess gave a tiny smile, thinking all was forgiven, only to feel Kol's warm breath tickle her ear.

“Go clean off this filth and make yourself look presentable, darling. When you return, we'll discuss your punishment.”

Yep, Katherine was still in trouble.


After taking a bath and having the maids fetch her new, less-revealing clothes consisting of a purple dress, Katherine reentered her bedroom to find Mason's body gone and Kol pacing in front of the fireplace. She never liked when her father paced with a hand on his chin, it always meant a lecture.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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