Chapter 2

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Endeavor Pov...

After what just went down Me and my secretary went to work so I had told her when we arrive at the agency I have something for that black eye on her face.

"Y/N are you ok?

" Now that you had showed up to save me yes I am ok now boss.

"Well let's head up to my office I have something for that eye.

We went inside and it looks like we are the first ones here that is actually great because I needed to talk to Y/N in private. Man I can't resist her kindness and beauty of her I am glad that I hired her but if I ask her out she will probably reject or think about it because she just had a break up from that disrespectful selfish 🤬hole I will beat the crap out of who ever touches her or takes advantage of her.

"Well boss we is the first ones here.

"Yeah and well that is good but what is on your mind right now you look a little bit worried.

"Well I just need to run to the store to get a pregnancy test just in case you know.

"Y/N just to let you know I am always here for you and always if something is bothering you I am always here um but how about we have lunch in my office today I'm just worried about you and just to be honest I am also scared your number one hero is scared.

Y/N Pov..

I don't know why my boss is worried about me so much but I think it's very cute and thoughtful 🥰 of him but after work I will ask the Boss if I could stay with him for a while he is the in one that makes me feel safe.

" Here sit down Y/N and let me put this on your eye and go ahead and get to work we will meet on lunch break alright?

"Okay boss thank you for everything you done for me.

"You are welcome it's my job as the number one pro hero.

So you and your boss hugged for a couple of minutes until one of your co-workers came in on them hugging.

"Alright Y/N get to work alright and let me walk you home tonight who knows, your ex might attack You.

"You know I was meaning to ask you if I can stay over at your place for a while because since what happened this morning I am kind of scared that he might break in.

"Of course Y/N I will keep anyone safe especially you.

So after you finish talking to your boss the co-worker left out and went back to her desk and pretend that nothing happened. After you had left out Stacey was standing by the door.

"Hey Y/N can I talk to you privately about something.

"Sure of course.

So you and Stacey walked outside to talk and as soon as you and Stacey got outside Stacey gave you a weird stare acting like I did something wrong.

"Okay Y/N spill it what is going on between you and Endeavor?

"What do you mean he saved me this morning and we talked.

"Yeah but I overheard you asking him can you stay at his place for a while.

"Because ex-boyfriend is going to track me down he won't be in jail for long he will bail out.

"Okay why is he even in jail?

"Because I broke up with him because he was having sex with another woman in our bed and is accusing me of cheating also because he saw Endeavor's text on my phone because you know how Endeavor calls me cutie everyday yeah he gotten mad and after I broke up with him last night and he punched me in the eye threw my purse at me and slapped me and this morning he called me a slut and Endeavor got mad and started beating the shit out of him and he got arrested.

Endeavor x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now