happy birthday ...Sargent Grey

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I managed to avoid both Shepherds for 2 weeks, but I could not avoid them no longer. Bailey came in to the lounge to tell us who we were assigned too.  

B: Yang your with Burke, Stevens your with He Shepherd, Grey your with She Shepherd, O'Malley the pit and Karev your with Robbins. 

As Bailey left I scoffed and made my way to Addison.  Dreading not wanting to work with her but she seemed to be in a good mood. Since I was cold to everyone at this point in time I really did not care about how they felt. The only time I showed emotion was when my brother or sister called, other than that  I was a piece of stone in my own body. She handed me the chart as we entered the room snapping me out of my trance. As I read over the chart she said:

A.M: Dr. Grey please present. 

M: Amanda Peterson 35, 26 weeks pregnant admitted because the fetus has a brain tumor that need to be taken out. I was about to continue when the patient interrupted me and said " Meredith". OMG! I squealed.

*convo between Amanda and Meredith*

M: Amanda it really has been a while.

A.P: Thanks to you I get to spend it with James. 

M: How is he by the way? I asked with most concern in my voice.


After I confronted Meredith 2 weeks ago about being Derek's wife, she avoided both of us. When it so happened we cross paths she would look like and empty soul walking. She showed no emotions what so ever, and I felt bad I don't understand why, I mean I should hate her. SHE SLEPT WITH MY HUSBAND FOR GAWD SAKES. So I was suprised when I saw her smiling when she realized who the patient was. I was admiring Meredith beautiful smile as I knew this was going to be a rare sight. I was still in my thoughts until someone shook my body with force.

A.M: Ow! What was that for?

A.P: Army strength still intact I see. Amanda said as she giggled. 

A.M: Army strength? I questioned. 

As soon as Amanda goes to answer Meredith cuts her off by saying:

M: Forget about what she said. The OR is ready for us. 

When she finished the sentence, there we scrub nurses coming in to take Amanda to the OR. So Meredith and I headed there also. As we arrived I saw as Meredith just walked pass Derek as if he does not exist. I thought to myself "this is going to me fun".


When we entered the scrub room, I simply just walked passed Derek not wanting to notice his existence, and started scrubbing in.

D: So, Meredith you are not going to acknowledge the fact that I am here? he said harshly.

M: Yes Dr. Shepherd. There is a reason why I ended things between us the keyword being freaking END. So I have no needs to notice your existence, that's what you have you wife for. SO DR. SHEPHERD YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME UNLESS IT IS ABOUT OUR PATIENT. UNDERSTOOD. Now if you excuse me I'm going to talk to Amanda before they put her under. With that I left the scrub room and entered the OR to talk to Amanda leaving the two attendings looking dumbfounded. 


As the surgery began Addison made two small incision for Derek to insert the probes in. He was about to start the procedure when Meredith stopped him and said "Dr.Shepherd, as you can see the mother's stomach is starting to distend which means that the fetus is most likely shifting around. If you insert the probes there is a 90% chance that you will poke her heart and kill the baby instantly". she stated with confidence in her voice. Addison backed her up by looking at the screen and seeing that the patient abdomen was distended. " She's right. It is impossible for you to insert the probes and not puncture the fetuses heart without killing it". All his reply was: "Well this is it I guess". " J'aurais dû savoir que tu abandonnerais à la minute où quelque chose arriverait. t'es un imbécile".( I should have known you would give up the minute something happened. you are such an idiot.) Meredith said knowing that Addison nor Derek speaks French. She motioned for Addison too give her the probes. Addison hesitated for a moment the gave them to Meredith and she started the process.

Sargent GreyWhere stories live. Discover now