Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

        Date, Grant wanted to go out on a date with me. What the hell do you do on a date; I have never been on a date. Why couldn’t we just stay in and watch a movie, why does he feel the need to go out. The only reason I ever went out was to pick up a guy just to bring him home for sex.

        When I asked him why we had to go on a date he said, “It’s what a couple does.” I was part of a couple now, never thought that would happen. I don’t know if I was ever going to get used to being a couple. It was weird to think I was in a relationship now.

        I looked in the mirror one more time; I wasn’t sure what to wear. All Grant said was wear something comfortable. I settled on a pair of black skinny jeans with a dark purple polo shirt and my white converse. “No matter how many times you look in the mirror your still going to look the same.” Aden said as he walked.

        “Shut up and leave me alone, I have never been on a date before.” God I really was pathetic, I had really cut myself off emotionally. I never dated because I didn’t want to get close to anyone.

        “Aw you’re nervous about your first date that is so cute.” Aden cooed as he pinched my cheek, I swatted his hand away from me.

        “Stop it; stop treating me like a fucking teenage girl!” I yelled at him as I walked out of my room. He laughed as he followed me out.

     “Aw don’t be such a sourpuss, its adorable you’re nervous. So where is he taking you?” I opened the fridge a grabbed a bottle of water.

     “I don’t know he didn’t say.” I took a drink of water as Aden stared at me. “What?”

      “Oh nothing, just thinking about what Grant might have in mind for your date.” Oh god now I was even more nervous, what if it was like having dinner with his family. Oh my god I never met anyone’s parents before. Shit what if they don’t approve of me, oh my god what if they are racist or something.

      “I think I should just cancel, maybe all this is a bad idea. Your right I won’t ever be ready. I’m just wasting his time.” I put the water bottle down and grabbed my phone to call Grant but Aden snatched it out of my hand. “Dammit Aden give me my phone!” I tried to reach for it but he pushed me back, what the fuck when did he get strong?

    “No your just be a dumb vagina, now stop worrying. Grant isn’t going to take you somewhere you’re not going to feel comfortable.”

      “Did you just call me a dumb vagina?”

      “Yes you’re acting like a little bitch right now.” I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms across my chest. I was not acting like a little bitch. “Ok I’m going to give you back your phone but if you try to call Grant to cancel, I will lay your ass on the ground faster than you can dial his number.” I snatched my phone from his hand and put it back in my pocket.

      “Whatever I still think I shouldn’t go on this date.”

        “Why the fuck not,” Aden walked up to me and slapped me on the face. I grabbed my cheek and glared at him.

       “Why the fuck are you hitting me, Jesus Christ what is your deal!” I yelled as I rubbed my cheek, I swear there are days I think fucking Aden is a girl. His mood swings are so fucking unpredictable.

        “First of all that was for last night, you ruined my night you douche. And second you need to get the fuck out of your head. That is why you’re always miserable, stay the fuck out of your head today. Enjoy and allow yourself to have fun tonight and quit thinking negative. You are going to go out on this date and you’re going to have fun, because you deserve to have someone wine and dine you.”

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