Chapter 10

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A/N Before I start this chapter, I want to thank you for all the support on this work. As I'm publishing this chapter, 'A Thousand Broken Promises' has 54 reads and 9 votes which is absolutely insane!! Thank you so much for enjoying the fanfiction that I'm having so much fun writing. I have a lot of exciting chapters planned and I can't wait for you to see them in the future <3

If Quackity knew one thing about Manberg, it was that Manberg was the shittest name he had ever heard. After the transferred ownership of L'Manberg, he had hoped that Schlatt would pick a good name but all he did was remove the start. Schlatt had taken the L, literally. The new flag was terrible too but of course, he couldn't voice his true opinions to Schlatt. Regardless of Quackity's views, Schlatt was still the President and he was only the Vice. He needed to agree with Schlatt despite how shit his ideas were.

"Hey Quackity," Fundy said. Prompting Quackity to turn and wave but he kept on walking. It had taken hardly any time for Fundy to switch to one of Schlatt's most loyal. To be truthful, he feared Fundy slightly over how much Schlatt could manipulate him.

Whenever he did anything, Quackity was certain that Schlatt was watching. Maybe it wasn't always Schlatt himself but he was sure that the President knew. He knew that he was being tested but every day, Quackity went back to be Vice President. Even if the role was crushing his mind. Even if every night he dreaded the next morning. He knew that the best way to get revenge was to continue to be Vice President, which Schlatt obviously desperately wanted Quackity to leave.

No matter what others thought of him, Quackity wasn't an idiot. There were some perks for the image despite it being incorrect as nobody suspected he was planning something.

Although Quackity couldn't leave Manberg, he knew that if Schlatt was the true culprit behind George's disappearance then George would be nearby. This made it easier for him as there were only a few places to look.

The smell of warm, freshly cooked bread encased Quackity all at once. It was a comforting smell that washed away all his anxiety. He became determined that he would find George somewhere within this bakery.

There was a small ding as Quackity opened the door, his eyes feasting on all the delicious treats in front of him. Surely it wouldn't be wrong for him to try a pastry or two.

"Quackity!" Niki exclaimed as she came into view holding a tray of the most gorgeous floured loaves. She placed it down, wiping her flour-covered hands on the pastel pink apron that matched the walls. Although the bakery was small, it looked huge with the amount of light and plants in every space possible. It was the perfect place to relax and he knew that he would definitely come here with George if he wasn't here already.

"Hi Niki," Quackity muttered, suddenly aware that at this moment, he was publicly making his first stance against Schlatt. Was he making the right decision? Nobody else seemed concerned about George's safety so that meant that he must be fine. The argument seemed flimsy in Quackity's head and he quickly brushed it aside. If nothing was wrong, George would be here and not missing. It was likely that someone else was as well worried about George but were also quiet about it in the case of Schlatt finding out.

Niki could feel the anxiousness radiating from Quackity. Although she was not sure why being in a bakery would make him nervous, Niki decided to try and ease the tension. "I've just taken those loaves out of the oven so if-"

"Actually Niki, I'm here for another reason. You see, I, uh, need to ask you something," Quackity interrupted, finally mustering his courage.

He expected Niki to be at the very least upset at his interruption and found himself subconsciously squinting, awaiting the barrage. If Quackity had managed to anger Niki then he knew that he was in deep trouble. However, Niki didn't seem phased by the sudden interruption. "Sure," she said. "What do you need to ask me?"

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