Chapter 36

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Jiang Cheng

Things have gotten out of control, things that shouldn't have happened did! Damn it! I was seething with fury and I didn't know who to take it out on. "Meng Yao why did you do that! Couldn't you have chosen to possess somebody else's body, why did it have to be Haoren and you perfectly know that Wei Ying won't let this go! You have put my nephew's life in danger!" I yelled at the smug looking spirit of Meng Yao. "It's a sacrifice your nephew had to do, you're the one who told me that you wanted to find Wei Ying's weakness besides I didn't even hurt him that much, you wanted help and you got now you deal with the consequences," I grinded my teeth together, if I could beat him up I would. "Jiang Cheng are you aware that Lan Wangji came to Lotus Pier to do inquiry," The rhythm of my heart became abnormal. "Why would he do that!?" everything was starting to frustrate me. "He came to collect your mother's spirit who is not very impressed by you," Mother? Why wouldn't she be pleased with me, isn't she happy that I have accomplished great things for Lotus Pier. "In any case they can't do anything," Meng Yao laughed loudly. "You have underestimated Wei Ying and his twin brother, Jiang Cheng something needs to happen to Wei Ying otherwise all of your plans will come crashing down," he said as he looked at me sternly. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "You need to kill Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng before I take matters into my own hands, you promised me that you will give me a body and I have decided that I want Wei Ying's body and you have a month to kill him or you will be sorry," he disappeared through the walls, leaving me with so much tension.

After speaking to Meng Yao I decided to go back to Cloud Recess to check on my nephew to see how he was doing, when I arrived in Cloud Recess the first person met was Wei Ying and he was heaving and breathing. "An eye for an eye," he said as he passed me and left Cloud Recess, I suddenly feared what he had done to my nephew I rushed into the reformatory room to find my nephew asleep. Lan Zhan had beat him up bad, he broke both of his legs and his left arm, he fractured six of his ribs and his neck; he didn't even think twice that it was a child, I needed to speak to Lan Huan to beg him to help me I don't want my nephew to be punished when he was only used as a pawn.

I went to Lan Huan's Hanshi and he was sitting with Lan Zhan. "Oh I didn't know you had company I will come back later," I said as quickly as I could. "Jiang Cheng come inside," Lan Huan said so gently but Lan Zhan stood up and he left which made Lan XiChen to sigh loudly. "I spoke to Uncle he said that he won't punish Haoren but he can't continue to be a disciple here, secondly the reason why he isn't punishing him is because Lan Zhan pretty hurt him. He can stay here until he has recovered and I need you to keep your distance from my brother and Wei Ying," I nodded my head I was grateful that I still had time to carry on with my plans I have for Wei Ying. "Where was Wei Ying going?" Lan Huan looked at me confused. "What do you mean? Wei Ying is with A-Yuan," he said quite confidently and I shook my head. "I swear to you, I saw Wei Ying leaving," he stood up immediately going to check and I followed behind him and so enough Wei Ying was with A-Yuan and so was Wei Ying's twin brother, Lan Huan turned and looked at me. "Are you sure you saw Wei Ying," I shook my head. "I must have been mistaken, is A-Yuan doing okay" I asked sincerely, this was my fault I never wanted A-Yuan to get hurt so I was genuinely worried about him. "A-Yuan is a very strong and kind hearted child, he didn't sleep quiet well but he is better now and I think having the people that care for him will help him deal with everything. He hasn't spoken much or said anything, he has been rather holding on very tightly to Jing Yi he doesn't want him to move even an inch," Lan Huan smiled brightly. "This was an unfortunate situation but I am glad I got to see the family that my brother has, each one is different but they love and accept each other entirely. I wish someday we all could be a family together, without any problems," he said softly as he looked at me. "I'm always going to be right besides you never doubt that," I said softly and we went back to Hanshi.

Wei Ying

Lan Zhan was sitting behind me hugging me while we watched Jing Yi take care of A-Yuan, he doesn't even wants us to disappear from his sight otherwise he screams out in panic. We couldn't stay in Cloud Recess so we went to Panxiang city this place was good for A-Yuan, Lan Zhan didn't want anyone knowing that we had left Cloud Recess so I had left our shadows but Lan Zhan and I would have to go back later today so that they don't get suspicious. "A-Yuan you have to eat," I heard Jing Yi begging A-Yuan to eat for the hundredth time now, it's a real struggle to get him to eat but I understand and we don't want to push him. "Mother, father may you please give me and Jing Yi some space I need to speak to him," Lan Zhan and I excused ourselves and left them alone.

Jing Yi

I was feeling nervous but I don't know why, A-Yuan had this strange look in his eyes as if he was seeing me for the last time. "Jing Yi," he called my name softly and tears were falling from his eyes. "I can't do this," he whispered softly. "What are you talking about baby?" I asked softly. "I ca-n't... I can't be with you anymore," more tears ran down his face. "Lan Yuan, I am not letting you and I won't allow to leave me! I love you all of you just as you are, Lan Yuan why do you want to let go of my hand, remember you promised me that whatever we go through we will stick together and now you want to leave me! What am I suppose to do with the way I feel about you! Why would you let him destroy the love we have, the love we learn-t to built. I have always been with you my whole life I don't know how to not love you or be without you so how can you tell me that you can't be with me," he was sobbing so much and I just pulled him into my arms and I held him. "Jing Yi please don't do this to me, I can't love you like this and I can't be with you like this. It hurts so much but I can't stay, sure this can get better, sure I could fight through it but I am not strong enough for this; I hate how I am right now, I hate how I feel please let me go," he pushed me away. "Don't push me away, I'm not expecting you to be strong Lan Yuan I just want to be with you," he backed away from me. "Okay I hear you, please go get me a glass of water," I nodded my head and I went in search of Wei Ying, when he saw my face he frowned. "Why are you crying?" he asked concerned. "Please go check on A-Yuan, he asked me to get him a glass of water but I don't trust him; I will explain later what happened," Wei Ying hurried back to A-Yuan and I went to get the water, when I arrived back he was sitting in Wei Ying's arms and Wei Ying was singing to him softly.

I handed him the glass of water. "Where is Hanguang-Jun?" I asked softly. "He went back to Cloud Recess I have to go join him soon, so I was waiting for you to come back," he kissed A-Yuan on his forehead. "Remember what I said to you okay, don't hurt yourself," and he left us quietly. "Jing Yi are you sure that you won't get tired of me?" he asked softly. "Never," I said as I went to cuddle him and we stayed like that until he fell asleep.

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