Chapter 35

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Trigger warning babies please read with Caution.... I love you

Wei Ying

As we were strolling through the market I could see how nervous Jiang Cheng was perhaps he was just as bewildered as I was when I found out that I have twin brother, my brother lived as a disciple in Kunlun Mountain but I was told that when the time is right we would meet but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would meet him the day I was summoned but out fear that he might be killed with me I told him to leave for a little while and come back when it was safe.

I had told Lan Zhan about him a few days ago and now I'm surprised that he acted so fast and with caution which bring me to the conclusion that he met Lan Zhan before we came back to Cloud Recess. " Where is your husband today?" he asked softly and like a little punk my face flushed. " He had somethings to do so he couldn't join us," he nodded his head with a playful smirk on his face. " Since he is not here, how about we do something fun?" HaoMei groaned. " I don't think that is a good idea, Wei Ying will go overboard," we both smirked down at her. " Should we drink?" we both asked each other simultaneously and we laughed. " Drinking it is," of course this was to buy some time for Lan Zhan I believe by the time we're done drinking he would be back.

HaoMei insisted that she will walk around the market and she will meet us at the Inn while Jiang Cheng decided to tag along with us, Xiuwei was daring daggers at Jiang Cheng every now and then. " Stop it," I said softly as we were sitting in the restaurant waiting for our drinks to come. " Wei Ying how sure are you that this is your brother? Just because he looks like you doesn't necessary mean he is and why haven't we known about him all this time," Xiuwei chuckled softly. " I am afraid Jiang Cheng you're the only person who didn't know of his existence," I said while Xiuwei played around with his hair pin. " Twins have a special connection and they share feeling especially the Golden Core bond and since my brother over there gave you his golden core I can feel everything that you're feeling, from anger, envy, terror but you know that since Wei Ying has a golden core now and it is much stronger than the one you have, the one you have will dissolve and once again you will be left coreless," he patted my head like a small baby. " Don't do that you're going to ruin my reputation as the Yiling Patriarch," he laughed whole heartedly. " You're not as scary as you think Wei Ying," when our wine came we started drinking. " Wei Ying have you found the person you have been looking for and have you finally told Lan Zhan about it?" I took a sip of my wine. " Xie Jie? No I haven't found her and I haven't told Lan Zhan yet I don't want to put him in danger like before," Jiang Cheng had chocked on his wine. " Are you okay?" I asked softly and he nodded his head. " I am fine but why are you looking for my sister?" he asked curiously and maybe scared but Xiuwei answered instead. " Isn't it right to look for our little sister?" Jiang Cheng looked confused. " He said Xie Jie and he only called my sister that," Xiuwei looked at me. " Did you make a mistake Wei Ying?" he asked in a sarcastic manner. " Not at all, anyway tell me what is it like being the first disciple in Kunlun Mountain?" he sighed loudly. " Not as stressful as it sounds, we have a very peaceful and quiet Master and he treats all of us like his son's. He almost does everything for himself without asking for help or anything like that which is why I have decided to keep a close on him," I smiled at him. " And that has nothing to do with the fact that you like him?" his eyes widened and I crackled with laughter. " Are you also gay like your brother?" Xiuwei scowled at Jiang Cheng. " Don't mind him, he has always had a rotten mouth and doesn't know when to shut the hell up," I said feeling annoyed. " My brother isn't gay he just loves Lan Zhan, if he didn't have Lan Zhan he wouldn't be with anyone heck he wouldn't even exist," there was a ghost smile on Xiuwei's lips. " You're saying it as if it's a disease, have you forgotten that you are just as gay since you're dating Lan Huan or you're just faking it?" he chocked again on his wine. " Who is Lan Huan?" my brother asked curiously. " Lan Zhan's brother older brother, you will meet him when we go back to Cloud Recess," he nodded his head. " Are you sure you're going to be okay here? Without seeing your Master for a while?" I said while jiggling my eyebrows. " I am going back to Cloud Recess," Jiang Cheng said as he got up and left. " Do you think Lan Zhan is back yet?" Xiuwei asked and I nodded my head. " There has been enough time, how did Lan Zhan find you?" I asked curiously. " I guess you could say he's resourceful," he smiled at me. " So what is the plan Wei Ying?" I sighed loudly. " We have to find a way to rescue Xie Jie, I found out clues that she is still alive but we can't talk about it here," he nodded and just in time HaoMei came. " It's time for us to go," we finished our wine and headed back to Cloud Recess.

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