Something with 'B' and 100% score

Start from the beginning

Ashley: But the question is when? We can't get today because Mark is still not okay.

Mark: There is no way you guys are leaving me behind!

Emma: Yeah dumbass we know.

Chris: How about next weekend? We will still have two weeks to prepare for the upcoming tests and there's no pressure from football either.

Liv: Mark, will you be okay by then?

Mark: Absolutely!

Noah: My parents are okay with it!

Mark: Same here.

Sofia: I will have to ask but I think they will be fine.
Mia: Joe, you are coming right?

Joe: I guess I deserve a weekend break.

Liv: Then its settled. I will let my mom know.

Gray: Okay, weekend road trip, that's planned but can anyone tell me what happened last night?

Liv: +1

Mia: +1

Sofia: +1

Emma: +1

Noah: +1

Joe: +1

Chris: +1

Ashley: +1, did I threw up because when I woke up, I was smelling like a freaking gutter !?

Mark: ;)

Emma: You remember everything, don't you?

Mark: I do.

Chris: And?

Mark: The secret shall be buried with me.

I groaned and put my phone on charging. I know Mark is not going to tell us no matter how much we beg, bride or emotionally attack him. There's no point pushing him. While getting dressed, I prepared a mental speech I am going to give my mom to ask her if I could go to the beach next weekend. It's gonna be hard because I was a literal bitch last week and I was drunk as fuck last night. I am pretty sure she didn't see me last night but that doesn't change the fact that she is going to be strict as fuck. I probably will have to do some chores to convince her.

I went down wearing lose cargo pants and a dark blue t-shirt. As you must have noticed by now, I love dark colors and absolutely hate light ones. Mom was sitting on the kitchen table working on her laptop. When she saw me, she smirked and I knew something nasty was coming.

"Walk of shame?" She said. She never disappoints.
"Well my clothes were intact and I think Carter carried me up to my room, so no." I said and she frowned.
"Boy, that's sad." She said as I took a seat across her.
"Your daughter didn't have sex and you are sad?"
"Peach, you had sex with Taylor like ages ago."
"That's not the sex talk someone usually expect with their mother."
"I am not a usual mother."
"I am glad for that." I said and smiled at her. She went back to her work and I cleared my throat.
"So, mom! My friends and I are planning on a trip to beach next weekend. Also, what would you like to have for lunch?" I said and she looked up from her screen.
"What would you like to have for lunch?" 
"No, the trip part."
"We were planning to go on a trip to the beach next weekend?" I said and she stared at me for a moment.
"You are gonna have to earn it." She said and as I mentioned, she never disappoints.
"Laundry and cooking for the coming week and you have test this Wednesday so I want an A in that and you will paying for your trip yourself." She said and I groaned. That was way too much and I am going to be so busy for the week.
"So, laundry, cooking, studying and café?" I asked again hoping she would reduce one of the chores.
"Ask me again and I will increase your task." She said while adjusting her glasses she uses while working on the screen. 
"Yes ma'am." I said and saluted.
"You can start by making lunch right now. No healthy stuff please." She said and I settled for fried rice with an omelette and bacon on the side. As soon as we were done, she hungrily dug in and I chuckled at her. She was hungry and so was I. I skipped breakfast because I was too hungover to eat and it was showing. We both ate like pigs and finished it in no time. I took them over to the sink and started washing the dishes but my mom interrupted me.

"I told you to do the laundry and cook. I will take care of the rest." She said and I smiled thankfully at her. She is a true angel. 

The next week was extremely busy. I hardly had any time for anything. I told my friends about the deal I made with mom and they all were sympathetic. I saw it coming so I was fine. I did laundry for the week and made different dishes for her. Once, I was late from work so I had to cook in the bakery itself. I packed for her and although, I thought she would complain that it was cold, that didn't happen. She was quite impressed with the new dishes as well like the new mousse and mint cookies. Mark was way better by Thursday and he came to help me out in the bakery. Although most of the time, I strictly ordered him to stay at one place and not touch anything. I was satisfied by his company and it was enough for me to work efficiently. His plaster came off on Wednesday and he was overly happy with it. He said and I quote, "The itching was so bad, I had to insert a marker inside and I moaned like I just had an orgasm." I was way too grossed out to comment anything. 

I started studying for the Wednesday test pretty soon and it was a success. Probably because I had many sleepless nights but the results were good. I didn't score a 100% but I had the highest score in the class so my mom was satisfied. I might have skipped the part where Carter scored as much as I did but she doesn't need to know that. Speaking of him, Carter knew about my situation so he was very supportive the whole week. He came to my bakery quite a lot, sometimes to help me out during the rush hour, other times, just to be with him. It's hard to imagine that he is the same guy that dated women for a week and then dumped them after sex. He hasn't done that since he started talking to me and I trusted him more and more with every minute. 

A week later, I was hastily packing my bag for the trip. We booked two huge rooms, one for the girls and other for the guys. It was too soon for any one of us to spend the time with their partner although Ashley was very hell bent on having couple rooms. We all gave her a hard pass and she pouted. I was packing my makeup when I heard someone honking his car outside. I looked out from my window and everyone was waiting for me to come down. I cursed under my breath and packed whatever that was left from my in a random way. I didn't have time to arrange it. I looked at myself for the final time and ran downstairs with my bag.

"I am leaving mom!" I shouted to let her know.
"Have fun!" She said and I went outside. Carter was in the driver's seat with Emma and Mark on the back seat. I put my bag on the back and hopped in my seat. 

"HERE WE GO!" Carter said and we took off. 


Soooooo, you guys think Carter and Olivia will have their first kiss on the beach? Stay tuned XOXO

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