Chapter 1: Going There

Start from the beginning

"Hmm...Let's see. Karuizawa Kei."

"What?! But she's bound to-." He was going to continue but I cut him off.

"Kidding. I wouldn't want his bound-to-be girlfriend to not be there. She's important to him. Replace Okitani with me, Kyousuke Okitani. He doesn't have a role in the main storyline anyway."

"Okay. What do you want your name to be?"

"Miyamura Izumi."

"But that's-"

"Yeah, a main character from another anime. Give me his looks too, but his gloomy, long hair looks. I don't want to stand out from the start."


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"O-okay. Give me some time, it takes a little while to create a whole other timeline."

"I've got time. It's not like I have anywhere to return to."

"By the way, I never asked why you chose that story. Tell me your reasons."

"Reasons, huh?"


"I don't really have any."

"What? Then why didn't you choose any other story like Horimiya or Hajimete no Gal or any other harem story."

"If I had to say for a reason, I'd say that my life up to this point was certainly boring."

"You chose it just because you were bored?"

"That's not it." I said as I kept my hand on the table in front of me and used it as support for my face and then, I continued, "From the way you're talking, you also must be an otaku, like me."

He turned red. Even gods get embarrassed, huh.

"So you must be knowing about the misfortune in Ayanokouji's life, the price he had to pay for his abilities."

"He didn't really exist so those misfortunes didn't really happen, you know. But now you're making it happen."

"No. As long as I know that something like that has happened, even if it's fiction, it still boils my blood. I won't be able to sit still if something like that happened to someone I knew."

God kept quiet.

"I may not be a good person, but I can't just stay quiet when I know that something like that is happening."

When I turned to look towards him, he was looking at me with a surprised face. Then I looked him in the eye and said,

"I absolutely despise people who try to control other people's freedom. Just like his father. Also, I see a part of him in myself."

"I see." he said.

"If I come to know about someone else too, I'd go and help them out. I figure that after those three years at the Advanced Nurturing High School and making sure that Ayanokouji is free, I'll move on to the next part of my goals."

"Which is?" he asked.

"Helping out all the other White Room children."

He kept looking at me and after a minute or so, he stood up and said to me, "The timeline of that reality is ready, just say the word and I'll send you there. But I have some conditions."

"What are they?" I asked.

"First, You'll have my phone number in the mobile phone that you get from that school so you can contact me if there are any issues regarding the storyline or I can also contact you to update you regarding what's going to happen." he said.

"That's more like a favour you're doing for me."

"You could say that."

"Keep going."

"Second, as you said, I'm a god and I do have a good heart, it also pains me to see those children going through so much just for the sake of that man, so I'll help you out if you need my help regarding anything. Though I cannot make any moves, I can only pass on information to you."

" also a favour. Keep going."

"Third, I want you to have some tea with me before you leave. You're quite an interesting individual."

"It's an honour to hear a god say that about me."


"I'll have that tea then."

*God snaps his fingers and hot tea appears on the table.*

"I forgot to ask but why is your house so small?" he asked.

"I'm not a god, besides, you're the one who decided to hold the meeting in a replica of it. It's so perfect that it's creeping me out." I said.

"God, I have a favour to ask."

"What more do you want?" he asked in a way which said that I was annoying him.


"What kind?"

"The kind that Ayanokouji has. Of course, I just want some physical abilities. Not the mental abilities. Also, I want you put in all the knowledge about the studies going on at that school so I can solve any question. So that I can focus on enjoying my high school which I could not as I died and I can also help out Ayanokouji."

"Why not the mental abilities too?" he asked.

"That is something that will develop on its own at that school. I also want to have his mental abilities but I want to develop it myself. The reason I asked for physical abilities is that I don't want to waste any time on that. I couldn't really care less about violence. But as Ayanokouji says, violence can also be a powerful tool. I need to have an ace up my sleeve."

"Got it."

*God snaps his fingers.*

"Now you've got physical abilities that surpass even Ayanokouji's. His strength, his martial arts, his speed. All of them are inferior to what I gave you."

"Thank you, god." I said. Hmm...I am wonder who'd be stronger. The old me or Ayanokouji?

"Don't thank me. I was just trying to cover up for my mistake. Killing someone is a great deal for a god. This is the first time it has happened. Besides, I trust that you won't do any wrongdoings."

"Damn." I said as I was shocked.

"Well, it's time for me to go.", I said as I took the last sip of tea from the cup and gulped it down."

"See you later, Izumi." he said.

"See you later, God." I said.

*God snaps his fingers and a flash of light occurs.*

I will try my best to update the chapters regularly guys. Thank you for reading it.

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I will try my best to match everyone's tastes so that all of my readers can enjoy it.

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