Author's Note

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Hey guys!

So you've clicked on this book, hoping to find SOME clarity in the hilarious inconsistency that is known as "The Heroes of Old." Fear not! I will grant it (somewhat), but firstly, I have to say this: there WILL be SOME spoilers for "The Heroes of Old," but honestly, not that many. For any of my readers who read the series, you guys know that I changed up some of the most popular myths for my stories, which is why I'm recording my retellings here.

As for why there might be spoilers, it's because this book is going to be narrated by the two main characters of the first book, and the timeline for when this book was supposedly written was AFTER the THIRD BOOK, so my characters who are narrating are obviously going to reference things that happened in my series. If you're not afraid of small spoilers, and you find yourself wanting to read my books after this... well, I'm not sure why, but go ahead! You'll just go in knowing SOME things, but just small stuff. Nothing big.

In less words: can be read without having first read my trilogy, but may contain very minor spoilers out of context so not really spoilers.

Anyway, I think that's it?

OH YEAH. This book is always going to be marked as complete, because technically, it is. All of these myths don't have anything to do with each other, like in a real book. They're like stand alone novellas. But very short. So not novellas, but something.



(PS: my gif is so stupid but for some reason I loVE IT—)

(PS: my gif is so stupid but for some reason I loVE IT—)

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