The Beginning

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Arin walked along the shore line, listening to the waves crash. Her long, thick blonde hair whipped in the salty, moist wind of that cold dark night and her ocean blue orbs reflecting the gray light of the moon.

"What should I do master?" Among the water a seadweller forced into slavery asked her master,

"kill her"

"will do sir".

The seadweller walked out of the water in camouflage and was not fully visible to the landweller. Arin turned as if she was going to leave and gave the seadweller the perfect opportunity to make her move. The seadweller crept closer to Arin, feeling the moist sand between her webbed toes. She was about to grab Arin when she turned around and hit the seadweller with her axekind, make sure not to hit her with the blade.

The seadweller fell to the ground and her camouflage immediately switched off, Arin went to her aid. Arin didn't want to kill her even though that's what the seadweller intended to do to her.

"Why are you helping me? I...I was trying to kill you" the seadweller asked Arin.

"I don't want to kill you, I don't kill things that I don't need dead. I want to be your friend."

Arin held out her hand in a friendly gesture to help the seadweller up, it took a while but the seadweller agreed.

"My name is Iris" she said taking Arin's hand

"My name is Arin"

((Hey guys! Thanks for reading if you did...sorry if it was short, and as you probably already know this was a dream of mine so I'm sorry if I wasn't as descriptive as other stories you might have read and when I add Dualscar to this , which will be soon, I'm probably not going to spot on with him. Man, I probably lost a lot of readers by saying that. And so you're not confused, the girl in the picture I put is Iris. }:) see you guys later I hope.))

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