Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

They are inside a huge room with enough futon for each of them. With the cold brick wall and somehow cold weather, the kids are trying to snuggle up each other for heat.

After all, they are only wearing a piece of dirty big shirt and short shorts. It's not shocking if they really are cold.

Etelle cannot look at the only window either since its too high for her, yet she's the tallest among all the slaves.

She found two doors, one is the exit, but its locked. And the other one is the bathroom.

She enter the bathroom. There is a bathtub, a shower and a big mirror. Etelle stared at her reflection and agape.

She have a beautiful dark pink eyes, short pink hair and androgynous face.

She locked the bathroom door and quickly took off all of her clothes.

When she did, she covered her mouth in shock.

"What the hell... I am... I am sexless?"

There is nothing in her private area, not a man nor a woman. Her chest is also of a man. She's sexless. She's not a boy nor a girl.

She heard a knock. "E-Excuse me...? I wanna use bathroom." it is one of the kids.

Etelle quickly wore her clothes again and opened the door without a word. She sat on the corner, away from the snuggling kids.

'I don't even have a hole for pooping! How the fuck will I poop!?'

'This is really... Fucked up!'

'Oh fuck... Did I really got reincarnated in an unfamiliar world!?'

She also cannot speak since she have to continue lying for the sake of seeking information. If people thinks she's a boy from a wolf tribe, an extinct, probably and is caught for slavery...

'Doesn't that means, if I am an extinct, I should be important. This slavery is illegal.'

All she have to do is to build up a plan.


A man with a dark black hair, blue eyes and an attractive physic is sitting in a carriage with a carved symbol of black roses in it. Anyone within the Empire can recognize him and the symbol.

The symbol that symbolizes darkness, the man who is the Duke of the empire, owns the land of the Zachary, that is known to bring bad luck.

Despite of having a handsome face and power, no one wanted to marry the Duke.

It is a curse. The family of Zachary, are known to not have a single Duchess. They are cursed that whoever that carries the blood of them to be married will face an unfortunate fate.

The Duke look at the man sitting in his front. "Miko, go grab the thing we came here for."

Miko nodded his head and left. The Duke is now alone sitting when he heard a commotion.

He opened the carriage window. He a group of knights chasing someone.

The Duke got intrigued and step out.

No he clearly see everything. The knights are chasing a kid.

'Is it a boy or a girl?' the Duke thought.

The poor kid have a lot of bruises in its body, some are even severely bleeding. It looks scared and confused, it's also hissing, showing its sharp canines like a cat.

'A cat... No. It's not a cat. A wolf?'

He swiftly took out his sword and went beside the kid. The knights stop their tracks and scared looking at him. "D-Duke Zi—"

"What is the meaning of this?" he said with a deep voice that silence everyone. Not even the commoners or nobles can go against him.

One of the knights spoke. "W-We... We heard that there was a commotion in the Baron's Mansion. It was said that there was one of the slaves that kill the guards and escaped with the others as well. It was him, your grace."

He glance at the kid who's now standing stiff. He walk toward it. "So you are a boy... What's your name?"

The boy tilted its head. He doesn't look scared but confused.

"Y-Your grace! He does not know how to speak!" one of the knights said.

Duke reached out his hand. "Would you like to come with me? You look badly injured."

"B-But your Grace—"

"Silence!" He angrily said at the knight.

He look at the pink haired boy and then to his Guard. He whispered something to them. They nodded and took something from the carriage and handed it to him.

He reached out again, holding it. "This is a bread. You can eat it, I'm pretty sure you are hungry."

The boy glance at the bread and then him. He can see that the boy is hungry and is just cautious by him. "Go ahead. Or do you not want it from me? Then..."

He covered the bread with a handkerchief and put it in the ground. The boy quickly took it, he threw away the handkerchief and ate the bread while sitting on the ground.

"Go tell the Baron that I will buy this slave for 100,000 gold."

The guards can no longer say no. It is not a request but an order. The Duke took out two leather pouches full of gold coins. They received it and finally left.

The Duke took out a candy from his pocket and showed it to the kid. "Hey. You want this?"

The kid tilt its head, eyes only focus on the candy.

The Duke smirk. "You see that carriage?" he point his hand on the carriage. "This... We have a lot of this inside." He threw the candy inside the carriage and the kid instinctively run inside.

He went inside after it. He sat on his typical seat while watching the kid sitting on the carriage's floor munching on both his bread and his candy.

'He doesn't look like a normal human. His pink hair and canines... He's either from witch tribe, wolf tribe or fox tribe.'

Witch tribe are known to only be able to survive in cold places, Fox tribe are in the Forest of Sin that are too far away, while Wolf tribe are extinct since months ago.

Obviously, Hunting both Fox and Wolf tribe are illegal because they are rare. The Royal palace have no worries in Witch tribe because no humans can surpass them, unless its about new born cubs.

"How old are you, kid?" although he isn't expecting an answer.

He cannot figure out the kid's age, but it's probably a kid around 13 to 15 years old. He's 20 and as an older, he have to educate him himself.

When the carriage started to move, the kid panicked, so he took another candy and put it beside the kid. Just like he expected, the kid's attention got diverted. He sighed.

'...Such cruel world...'


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