Chapter 7

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Just as Danny was going to get something to eat he heard someone call his name. " Danny Keller is that you?" a woman asked.
"Mrs.Sands? Oh my God! You're alive?" Danny yelled.
"How are my babies? Are they okay?" Mrs. Sands frantically asked.
"They are fine, in fact they are over here." Danny told her.  They ran over to Jess and Andrew. "Mom! You're alive!" Both Jess and Andrew yelled. The wind started to pick up they could see another tornado.
"Get into shelter now!" Mrs.Sands yelled. They were all running and finally found a place to stay. Andrew and Anna were holding hands.
"Do you think that the tornadoes will ever stop?" Anna asked while shaking.
"Of course! Soon hopefully." Andrew told her while still holding her hand.
The tornado finally stopped. They were very lucky to be alive.
"Come on kids." Mr.Sands said while pulling up in a car.
"Dad!" Jess yelled. They all got in the car and drove to the neighboring city.
"Anna and Danny, the foster care people will meet us at the motel." Mrs.Sands said.
"No! You can't take Anna away from me!" Andrew yelled.
" Honey it's the best thing that we can do." Mrs.Sands said.
When they got to the motel Anna and Danny had to leave. " We can still visit." Anna whispered into Andrews ear. Danny and Jess hugged.
"Bye," they both told each other crying.
"I love you!" Anna yelled to Andrew while getting into the other car.
"I love you too!" Andrew yelled back.
"Bye!" They all yelled to each other one last time.
"Lovebirds," Jess told Andrew.
"At least I have a love life." Andrew then told her.
                                   7 YEARS LATER
"You may now kiss the bride!"
Jess and Danny stayed in the crowd clapping. "Who knew that they would make a good couple." Said Danny.
"I know right!" Jess said.
" I mean Anna and Andrew married crazy." Danny said while him and Jess were both laughing.
"Yeah, but I'm happy for them." Jess said.

                                             THE END

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