First week.

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I feel cold, I feel empty
I can feel myself running away, only I'm not the one using my legs
I can feel my grip loosening and yet I feel no haste or rush to get it back
I'm achieving a lonely, bitter, cold and broken peace of mind
My apathy is great
My sorrow ever greater
Ask me to smile
And I will instead of walk away.
- my friend.

In the starry night I stare,
Pondering on what I've done,
And who I am.
I've spent many nights alone,
Wondering how to escape.
Yet as I grow closer to the stars,
My escape fades away.
They notice the scars,
The bruises,
The hurt.
They know,
They just don't care.
Who could blame them?
After all, I'm just another broken star.
- Kai

Her hair, her eyes
Her voice, her body
The way she smoothly charms me
The way she looks at me with those glittery eyes
The way she smiles and laughs
Her strength
Her talent
I can't sum my feelings for her into a word
She makes me feel so breath-takingly amazing
She's a girl
I want her
I need her
No other girl can beat her.
- same friend

His eyes, his sugar sweet voice,
It lights me up, yet tears me down
He doesn't realise how much it hurts,
Yet I love him.
He's my priority.
Always looking for something,
I give him my best.
Yet all I got,
Was a simple second best.
- Kai

His eyes, are blue
Mine, are brown
His eyes carry secrets and a twinkle
His eyes are kind, warm, captivating
His eyes draw me in and we dance
My eyes wished I wouldn't feel such love for his
His eyes sees me as close and dear
His eyes captured mine and mine can't seem to look away
My eyes carry thoughts of him and us
His eyes carry me through the dark.
- my friend

He turns, I stare
I've never been so memorized.
His beautiful brown eyes captivate mine as I try to look away.
It hurts.
He knows what he's doing to me.
We continue to love and laugh as if nothings wrong
But I miss him.
He was my one and only
Yet he doesn't care
So I fall for the same tricks
Falling in love with the one who doesn't love me.
- Cotton

I want to kiss you
I miss you
You make me feel like I can do anything
I want to hold your hand
I want to steal little loving glances at each other
But you can't feel the same
I accept that
I wish I could just kiss you
Kissing you would be the best gift you could give me.
- my friend

Crying in the car,
Never imagined this day to come.
You broke me into pieces.
The family was right.
I'm unlovable.
You didn't stay.
We were too wrong.
So why does it hurt?
You took apart of me I can't get back
Now I sit here in silence as you destroy me once again.
- Kai

Hate me
I dare you.
Tell me I broke you
While I sit her silent as the grave reciting every lie and every broken promise you uttered
Allow me to sit and watch you cry about what I did while I think about everything you ever did to me
Watch me stare at you with complete apathy
Since that was all I ever got from you.
-my friend

She stares at me,
So precious and cute.
She's a dork yet I love her.
More than I ever knew I could.
She makes me want things I never did before.
She brings out my best and never my worst.
She's my light. My darling.
She is a masterpiece. One of a kind.
And I'm the lucky soul that captured her goddess heart.
- Luka to my pumpkin💞

As the sun sets,
I imagine what it's like to hold you,
For you to be in my arms as long as we need,
To heal what's broken.
I would love you unconditionally,
As I always do.
You're my world, my star, my everything.
What did I ever do to marry such a beautiful lady such as yourself?
With a heart of gold and a body like a goddess.
You're my one, true love. ❤
- Luka to my 'Rah

He, gives me strength and courage
He, gives me butterflies, and makes me feel truly like a girl
He, makes me feel heard and needed
They make me feel complete, them loving me like I'll be gone tomorrow makes me feel like a bride
I need them, I want them, I always have
My three perfect angels
Though things may change and time presses on
Our love will not falter or break.
- my friend

She stole my heart.
He stole my heart.
They stole my heart.
My heart has been taken so many times.
Yet it will forever be for one person.
My special someone.
The one I will give my everything to.
My first kiss, my first sex, my first date.
She'll be my favorite girl.
- Luka

They're the same but different,
That's probably what made me fall in love with them.
They were patient yet chaotic.
Sassy yet loving.
They take care of me, and I do the same back.
He takes my heart,
And so does the other.
They're forever my flash light,
Whether they realise that or not.
They're my everything.
To my dears, I love you.
- Kai

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