Chapter 1: Hate

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I hope all of you like it..
AU-Modern time

Pieck felt her head heavy. Still with her eyes closed she tried to pull the blanket up to her chin, hoping the chill she felt would start to lessen. She tried to change her sleeping position sideways to the right.

She felt something strange. Her skin touched something warm, she felt like she'd never put anything warm on her bed.

Still with her eyes closed, she tried to touch 'something'.  'Hmm?  skin?... Arm?'

'hgghh...' Something said.

Pieck furrowed her brows trying to concentrate on the voice she was hearing. 'What is that?'  Pieck popped the question in her mind, her hand stopped touching it.

With her eyes so heavy, she tried to open them a little.  Even though her head is so dizzy, she tried to get her eyes used to the light she's receiving.  Trying to blink her eyes many times, Pieck saw the face of someone she thought she knew who was in front of her.



Pieck instantly widened her eyes, her mouth wide open, shocked at what she saw before her.  The face of the person she knew was the face she really didn't want to see when she woke up in the morning.

"Haaaaaaa...." Pieck suddenly screamed in surprise in a frustrated tone and made the person in front of her suddenly wake up.

Their eyes met each other's.

"Huwaaaaaa...." this time they shouted at the same time.  Get up from the sleeping position, sit and move away from each other.

"What are you doing here?"  Pieck asked in a high tone to the man in front of her.  "And you're naked? where are your clothes?"  Pieck forcefully turned her face away from seeing the man's body, even though she only saw his upper body.

"You? What are you doing here? And... and where are your clothes?"  The man with gray hair turned around asking and tried to cover himself with the blanket.  Yes.. the same blanket that Pieck was using right now to cover her body and only exposed her shoulders and arms.

"You should answer my question. What are you doing in my bed, Jean?"  Pieck threw back the question.  "And... why are we naked?"  Pieck spread her arms and pointed at the man's face.

Jean raised an eyebrow and tried to pay attention to the surroundings and exhaled, "I should be the one asking that. This is my room."

"What?"  Pieck tried to turn her head and look around.  She gaped, "and why am I right in your bed?"

"How do I know.." Jean started to get frustrated, "what I remember, I was very drunk last night. Why you not try to remember that too."

Pieck tried to calm herself down and remember what had happened, "I remember we reconciled last night. And had a drink together at the bar."  Pieck explained calmly and regularly with what she remembered.  Jean was just listening as well as trying to remember, nodding his head at each explanation that matched his memory.  "Our friends went home first and we're both still there. We drink, we get drunk, we laugh, and we... oh... my God." Pieck suddenly stopped, widened her eyes and furrowed her brows, looking at Jean.

Jean also came to his senses with the continued reminder, also looked at Pieck in surprise.

"Are... we...." Pieck moved her index finger, pointing alternately at her and at Jean.

"I think so."  Jean answered Pieck's incomplete question, with a stiff and surprised face.

"Oh my god... do we have sex when we're drunk?"  Pieck clarified her memory with those words.

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