where am I ! ! !

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Ugh my head hurts . . . Where am I why am I tied up
why can't I remember what happened?

oh wait I was looking around to find something to give to zenitsu but I got lost but then a man told me he would help me find my way back to the others but when I turned around everything went black
"Oh your awake girl". the man Starts walking turds nezuko to take a better look at her.

"You'll make some good money girl"

"Who are you and why am I here"

"Oh to sell you of course"
"W-what". . .
What does he mean.
"Why do you want to sell me!"
nezuko starts shaking in fear.
"For the money and you'll make some good money because of the way you look anyone would want you".

WHAT!!! (Nezuko thought)

ZENITSU YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING MY SISTER YOU IDIOT tanjiro was pissed at zenitsu but kanao was able to calm him down
Zenitsu just stand there frozen he didn't know what to say or what to do he was frozen in place he had tears in his eyes but tried to hold them in but then he snapped from being frozen in place and took off running
to find nezuko / his future wife 😏

I'm sorry I haven't been writing I have been vary busy lately and it's summer and I don't have school so I'll probably be posting new chapter's but not making any promises on that but I hope you like this chapter have a great day or night

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