the day of the festival

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Nezuko kanao and aoi were getting ready since they knew they were going to take awhile they told the boys to go ahead and meet up later.

"Do girls really have to take this long" inosuke complained
"I mean they bought like 50 different outfit" zenitsu continued
Tanjiro just awkwardly laugh as the two boys went on complaining about how girls take so long
About 40 minutes later the girls finally cought up with the boys
"Hey guys" nezuko yelled to get their attention
The boys just stand there staring at the girls in there beautiful kimonos

"Do girls really have to take this long" inosuke complained "I mean they bought like 50 different outfit" zenitsu continued Tanjiro just awkwardly laugh as the two boys went on complaining about how girls take so long About 40 minutes later the gi...

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The boys just stand there blushing As the girls were jumpin up and down with excitement

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The boys just stand there blushing
As the girls were jumpin up and down with excitement.

'Were do you girls want to go first"

the girls stared at tanjiro and said food in a demonic way
tanjiro laugh nervously as The boys back up and said ok

after the got food they started to look around the place and everything they had follow the boys were carrying hundreds of bags as The girls went back a fourth after a while inosuke complained that he was tired and wanted to stop aoi and inosuke took everything the a bench aoi and inosuke sat down as Aoi fell asleep on inosuke shoulder
Tanjiro got kanao a butterfly necklace that surprisingly matched her butterfly hair clip
Then everyone met up with inosuke zenitsu stared at inosuke and aoi smiling creeply at the two

"Hey zenitsu we're is nezuko kanao" ask I don't know I thought she was with you two right there and then zenitsu started to panic.

Flower Crown 🌺  Zenitsu X NezukoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora