"Before even Thomathy was born you used to bring me cookies ,you idiot"

"Sorry I can't remember anything" George sigh and walk away.

Two hours had passed the boy didn't come back, Wilbur decided to look for him. He walk passed by the old potato farm and saw a shadow moving.

Wilbur looked where the shadow came from, it's from George who's sitting in the tree branch.

"hey?" Wilbur tried to greet.

"You've grown tall" George was still pouting.


"And became more stupid" George stick his tongue out and laugh.

"Hey! I wasn't an idiot" Wilbur tried to defend himself.

"You are an idiot"

Wilbur pinned his eyes at George, a familiar feeling pooling inside his heart.

"Where-" George tilt his head to look at Wilbur.

"Where did you came from. Who are you"

A laugh that's the answer, the boy laugh and look away.

"I'm George Founders only son of King George back 1800, i died at 1821 almost 200 years ago. I'm a lost soul." The boy answer straight causing Wilbur to shut his mouth.

"I need you to cross this life"

"What do you mean by that?" Wilbur found himself under the dark oak tree with the lost soul.

"All of the children i met you're the only one who came back"

"Are you sure that i can help you?" George smiled at that question. He pulled Wilbur and run to the river.

"Let's catch some fish" they both catch fishes.

"Hey look at this" Wilbur gaze at the brunette holding a fish, his white bellamy was wet that his skin is showing. Wilbur look away and felt his cheeks heated.

They both eat the grilled fish. That night before sleeping they cleaned the house.

"You're living here for how many years?"  Wilbur asked again..

"I don't remember maybe 150? I used to play with Phil too but sadly he doesn't remember me anymore like you" George explained while whipping the table.

"Oh sorry" the soul giggled again..

"It's not your fault"

"Wait if you're a soul how the fuck i can touch you?"

"Well we're connected now, you came back for me. I'm connected to you, save me" George said at the same time as staring at Wilburs eyes.

"I'll try" Wilbur look away again feeling his cheeks burned.

"Hey look at this" George showed one old photo of Wilbur with a sad..

"That's the day you married that sand and called it sandy wandy" George chuckle, wilbur wanted to pop away, too embarrassed.

"Put it away damnit" he's blushing..

"You look like a tomato" Wilbur walks away with his hand in his face. George kept teasing him till midnight..

"Go to sleep!" Wilbur yelled

Days weeks passed Wilbur and that lost soul became closer than ever they both shared many likes..

"Wilbur look at this lilacs you really like this back then" George shoves a bunch of lilacs in Wilburs face. A few lilacs was stuck at George's hair, Wilbur noticed it. He removed it.

"Some caught up" he showed and smile, George eyes sparkled he runs away holding his chest, blushing.

"What- was that" he asked himself while panting.

"What's wrong with him" Wilbur scratched his head and goes inside the house.

The night came George didn't came back. Wilbur is getting worried, he started to look for him.

"George where are you?!" He yelled holding a flashlight trying to find the soul.

Hour passed he found him in the river bank. Wilbur sprinted towards George and hug him immediately.

"What the fuck you scared me where have you been" he tried to scold the soul..

"Wilbur I'll go soon" george straight said. Wilbur held his arms and placed it in his own cheeks.

"Don't disappear like that again" he said at George.

"But-" wilbur cut him.

"No buts im so worried"

"Wilbur i need to go soon" George snapped.

A small no is the thing Wilbur can utter.

"Let's go home Gogy" he carried George back the house and they sleep cuddling.

Wilbur childhood memories came back slowly like that George been quite distance.

They're both eating dinner when one of Wilbur memory came back. He remembered back then he used to bake a lot with Phil and gave it to George.

"Are you ok?" George asked.

"Yeah i remember something" george just nood at him..

Two days after that another memory while gardening cane back. Wilbur and George used to plant lilacs a lot and watch them grow, George likes the color that's why Wilbur always goes to market to buy it.

George noticed that Wilbur remember something, he put down the shovel and sat down..

"You remember something again?"  George can't even look at Wilbur, his heart won't calm down.

"Yeah are you good?" George nood he's trying to stop his tears..

"Are you crying?" Wilbur squat down and held George's chin..

"You've been distanced what's wrong?" George shook his head.

"No tell me gogy" That break George he sob.

"If you finally remember me.... I'll be gone... I'll just wait for you in the next life im always waiting"

Months passed after the last memory was bring back. Wilbur sprinted towards George and embraced him. George realizes it, his hands started glowing and disappearing.

"Don't go" Wilbur begged.

"I'll be with you I'm always waiting"

"I love you" Wilbur confess, George's eyes soften and he hug back.

"I'll be waiting" he disappear leaving Wilbur only hugging his clothes.

Wilbur goes home, gloomy. He didn't talk to Tommy and Phil at all he keep quiet. Techno is the only one who knows what happened.

Years passed Wilbur is already old, alone in his death bed. Tommy can't understand why he chose to be alone and be single till the end. Wilbur only likes lilacs and grilled fish, also the smell of floral people said he's sensitive. They can't understand him, he's handsome but alone.

Wilbur looking at the window he closed his eyes. Like a dream he saw George standing under the dark oak tree laughing. Wilbur cry he run to him and hug him tightly.

"Oh my wilby"

"I waited so long" Wilbur complained George hit him and laugh..

"I love you"

George hug him back..

I'll always chase my dream,

In the end you're still my dream in my little dream.

I'll wait for you, even a hundred years had passed. You're my dream.

The end

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