I Never Smile: Ciel Phantomhive- Black Butler

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(Ciel's POV)

"Ciel! Guess what?"

(Y/n) sat in front of me, her chin on her hands, looking straight at me.
"Guess what." She said again, her eyes twinkling.
"No no! Guess!"
"(Y/n)... I'm really in the mood fo-"
"You don't have to be in the mood, just guess!"
"Ugh, fine, You... ate something delicious?"
"No! It's White Day!!!!" She squealed, her face lighting up happily.
"Oh... that's what it is."
I hadn't prepared a present for (y/n)!
Usually I wouldn't think about trivial things like this, especially with my stupid Fiancee.
"You should at least smile Ciel." 
I blinked.
(Y/n) was inches away from my face.
I could just.....
I cleared my throat, trying to ignore her proximity.
"I never smile (Y/n), you should know that."
"Not even for me?"She asked innocently, sitting backwards into her chair in front of my desk.

I actually was speechless at that.
"Uh... I..."
"Well, it's ok then, you don't have to."

"Actually... I will smile for you."
"You will?"
"Only if you give me something."
"Do you want to see me smile or not?"
"Yeah... OK I do!"


"Kiss me.?" Ciel said simply, his blue eye glistening.
"You heard me. I want a kiss."
I could feel myself turn red.
Kiss an engaged man? Not likely.
"How about a small peck on the cheek?"
Ciel shook his head and pointed to his mouth.
"UGH! Fine!" I pouted and kissed him hat was meant to be a brief peck on the lips.
Except.... It turned out to be longer when Ciel grabbed my shoulders, making me unable to move away.
He kissed me back roughly, as though his life depended on it.
Ciel broke away.... smiling widely.. and slightly maniacally.

I blushed deeply.
"You... You kissed me back!" I said... shocked.
"Yes, Yes I did (Y/n)."
"B-But your Fiance, she won't like that!"
"HA! As if I care about her?"
"I only want you!"

Suddenly, Ciel grabbed the lacy tight collar of my dress and pulled me forwards.
"And there's nothing you can do about it."

And then He pulled me in for another kiss, biting my lip.
"Happy White Day (y/n)"

Authors note: K Ciel's oneshot came out alittle bit weird but!

!!!!!!I have made a story of White Day non-yandere (But some of them could be) Black butler one-shots!!!!!!!

Here is the 

I hope you enjoy it!!!!!

Intoxicating Love [Yandere! Various One-Shots]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant