Lovely Red Blood: Grell Sutcliff- Black Butler

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"Grell,  I have a new assignment for you."
"Ah? What is it Will-chan?" I asked playfully, flipping my long red hair.
William sighed and slapped down a piece of paper on the desk.
"Eh, who's ne-"
The picture on the paper made me pause my sentence.
Who ever this creature was... I had to find and make it mine....


(Your POV) 

I sat outside the patients room that morning, my hands clenched.
My heart was pounding,
My head was throbbing,
And.... my wounds had healed....
Why did my wounds heal and why had James been hurt so bad, and now was lying... D-Dead in the hospital wing.
He had been everything to me.
My love.
My hope.
My dreams.
My everything.

What had happened?
Why did I heal?
My head was half cut.
My arm and leg broken.
My right eye blinded by the sharp shards of glass from the windshield.

Yet it had all healed.
In a few seconds, I had been seconds away from dying.

James had been in the hospital too, the room next to me.
Incredible things happened in two seconds.

1. I was incredibly injured
2. The same time I almost died, my wounds healed instantaneously
3.  At the same time I healed, James died.
4. A flash of red was the first thing I saw after my healing.

I sighed and held my head in my hands, staring at the ground.
I heard soft footfalls.
I looked up to see a black haired doctor wearing round glasses with a white and red striped ribbon round his neck. 
The doctor stared at me with starling green eyes.
"I suggest you get home Dearie. I've arranged someone to pick you up. " He said.
I didn't think twice about the use of "Dearie" And just nodded and left, tears coming out of my eyes.
I stepped out of the hospital and looked out into the dark night.
It was very cold and damp that night.
I heard scrapping sounds and turned to see a person dressed in a black overcoat with something silver glinting in the moonlight.
"Um.. hello? Are you the one who's supposed to pick me up?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.
A shrill laugh echoed around me.
The figure got closer and I could see it as in fact a red-haired man with green eyes. 
He had shark-like teeth and a chain-saw.
My eyes widened in shock.
I stepped backwards as he stopped.
He swung the chainsaw upwards and rested it on his shoulder, grinning at me manically.
"Greetings (Y/n)-Chan"
"W-Who are you?" I questioned.
The brick wall behind me caught me by surprise and I bumped into it, smacking my head slightly.
The man stepped closer, now so close I could step away from the wall without bumping into him. 
"Grell Sutcliff... at your service" He breathed.
Grell grinned again and wrapped a hand round my wrist, tugging me closer.
"Let me go!"
"HA HA HA HA! I'm not going to hurt you... well, maybe just slightly." He started his chainsaw as he leaned in and kissed me fully on the lips.
"Mmf!" I shrieked as I tried to break away.
Grell let go, letting me fall onto the hard ground.
He roared his chainsaw and scrapped it across my leg.
A scream filled the air.
"(Y/n), I saved you from a horrible fate... but now, you have to.."
Grell slammned it down again "DIE."

My eyesight was fading.. I heard him mutter... "Ah, Lovely Red Blood."
Before he captured my lips again.....

Authors note: Here ya go!
Hope everyone likes it!
Hope it's not to gory
But this is a yandere story so.... -shrugs-

Here's my other Yandere stories:

                                                   The Secret Human [Izaya Orihara Yandere! X Reader]
                                                  Breathless or a Nasty Scar- [Lelouch Yandere! X Reader]

Intoxicating Love [Yandere! Various One-Shots]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن