Huang Zitao

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when are you coming to get me

around 10

do you even know where im staying

no there was never a need for me to know before now

im staying at a friends house
here's the address(insert apartment address here)

that's a 5 minute walk away from me

does this mean we're walking

hell no
the club we're going to is on the other
side of town

so we're driving

see you in 15



Ten minutes later, Lisa is standing in front of her mirror inspecting her outfit for any issues.

Pleased with what she sees, she makes her way over to the vanity in the room to do her make up

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Pleased with what she sees, she makes her way over to the vanity in the room to do her make up. She does a winged eyeliner with a bold red lip. When she is done she checks the time, grabs her bag and makes her down the stairs to find Kun already there waiting for her.

He gets a little awestruck when he sees her, it was the first time he truly appreciated her beauty in the two or so weeks that they had known each other for. Kun recovers quickly though.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you," she grins "you don't too bad yourself."

"Thanks, now let's go."


The pair got to the club some fifteen to thirty minutes later and, on arrival they walk straight into the club courtesy of the bouncer, whom Kun apparently knew, much to the dismay of everyone waiting behind them to get in.

As soon as they walk in, they are bombarded with loud music. Lisa could see people dancing without a care in the world. Others were in dark corners doing things that no self respecting person would do out in the open. There was one group sitting around a table with white lines going down the center of it.

Kun heads straight to the bar so Lisa follows after him. It's not until they get there that Lisa realizes why he did that. The music wasn't as loud over by the bar. Besides from the bathroom or a private section, this was the best place to be if you wanted to talk without shouting.

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