Anthony leaned downwards and nuzzled his temple into the side of her head. "It is yours now as well."

"I suppose marriage with you ought to bring at least one reward," she sighed wistfully. Anthony recognized the impish undertones of her voice. "Even if it is in the form of a garden."

Anthony gasped dramatically, feigning hurt. "Juliette Bridgerton, why do you wish to cause me pain?"

He felt her stomach contract as she stifled a fit of giggles, Anthony found himself also refraining from releasing a soft chuckle at her antics. He was well aware her words were a mere jest. They had been friends long before becoming lovers. Anthony was grateful the friendly and playful banter remained as their relationship changed.

"Juliette Bridgerton?" She repeated his words, tasting how they felt on her tongue. "Why must you address me in full? Have I committed some sort of wrongdoing?"

Anthony shook his head lightly. "Perhaps, I simply enjoy the sound of your name? What if I wished to speak your name a thousand times, would you dare stop me?"

"Pray do not halt on my account."

Although her words were quiet, they slashed through the night air and echoed loudly in his ears.

"Viscountess Juliette Bridgerton," he murmured into her ear. The caress of his warm breath against her skin caused her to shiver in his arms. "I ought to confess, more marvellous words have never blessed my tongue."

He pressed his lips to the sweet spot beneath her ear. Instinctively, Juliette craned her neck to the side, allowing him more access to the sensitive skin. Anthony smiled into her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. On the corner of his lip, he felt her pulse increase.

"Mhmm, is that so?"

"I have no reason to lie, my love." As he placed gentle kisses along her neck, he whispered her name in the space between each kiss. Every time his lips met her skin, he noticed how she would sharply inhale as if his lips were scolding hot, leaving a burning sensation behind. Anthony continued littering tender kisses along her neck and its base. When his lips met with the fabric of her wedding gown resting on her shoulders, he took the delicate fabric between his teeth and tugged it over her shoulder.

A gasp fell from Juliette's mouth and she tightened her hold on his hands.

Anthony stared down at the exposed skin before pressing his lips against her shoulder. As he kissed her skin, he murmured, "We must get you out of this dress."

Anthony pulled his hands from hers and placed one final kiss on her shoulder blade before pulling away. His long and nimble fingers unbuttoned her wedding dress with ease. In his chest, the beat of his heart increased tenfold, becoming overrun with anticipation. When the final button was undone, he tugged the fabric covering her other shoulder downwards, and then pulled the dress down. The wedding gown fell limply by her feet.

His breathing caught in his throat. Even though she was still very much clothed in her undergarments — a stays over her chemise as well as a petticoat and stockings — and not entirely exposed, he was still in awe. With ease, he undid her petticoat and the fabric fell on top of her gown, looking like a bundled mess on the ground.

Juliette turned around with rosy cheeks and stepped over her now-forgotten frock and underskirt. Her chemise landed just above her knee, however the white silk stockings no doubt reached to the middle of her thigh, shielding her skin from his lustful gaze.

She placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him in endearment. "I hardly find it fair that you continue to be fully clothed."

"Do as you wish," he mumbled into her temple.

DEAR JULIETTE ▹ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now