"We'll see you later. Love you Tommy!" Pond puts down the phone. Tommy looks at his screen, thinking of the audacity Pond has to put down the phone on him. He rolls his eyes and keeps the phone in his pocket.

"I shouldn't have given in to you. Tommy is probably going to be mad." Phuwin says as he got out of the car. He swings his bag over his shoulder and starts walking off.

Pond chases after him, walking beside him. "Don't worry. He's probably not mad." Pond answers.

Phuwin slows his pace. "Really? He's not?"

"He's definitely mad. I didn't say probably not mad." Pond answers. "You were supposed to help him out today and you disappeared on him."

Phuwin grunts and rolls his eyes. "It's all your fault. You and your stupid towel and your stupid dangling thing between your legs. They are what kept me from going to school on time." Phuwin scolds. "I won't even sleep over at your place anymore if this is going to happen again."

Pond takes out his phone and scrolls through the picture that he took this morning. He shows it to Phuwin. "Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself that you wouldn't even mind being late." Pond wiggle his brows at the boy.

Phuwin tries to reach for the phone but Pond pulls it away. "You better delete that! It was in the heat of the moment. I don't even know what I was thinking!" Phuwin yells as he tries to reach for the phone.

Pond puts his phone up, making Phuwin struggle as he reaches to for the phone. Pond wraps his arm around Phuwin's waist and pulls him in. Phuwin stops as he looks at Pond's eyes and their lips inches away from each other.

Pond swipes the screen. "Well, I mean, from this picture, I seem to be enjoying myself as well."

"What picture?" Tommy asks as he approaches the two of them. He lifted a brow at the two of them. "Judging from the way the both of you embrace each other, I believe something is going on between the both of you."

"There's no picture." Phuwin pushes Pond away. "We're still nothing. He's just the persistent one who still wants to hit on me."

"Me? I mean that's true." Pond replies. "Well, I have proof that he's into me as well." Pond swipes his screen and just as he is about to show Tommy, Phuwin tries to snatch his phone but Pond's quick reaction manages to save his phone from being into Phuwin's hands.

"Look. If the both of you are dating. I swear to god, whoever breaks whoever's heart first, I'm murdering you personally. The two of you are my best friends and the two of you better treat each other properly or I'm tearing you apart right now." Tommy threatens.

Phuwin has never seen Tommy this serious. "F-Fine. We're just at the stage before dating." Phuwin confess. "We're not dating yet but just trying to get to know each other better." Phuwin glares at Pond, making sure he wouldn't show Tommy the picture.

Pond let out a sigh and scratches his head. "I hate to admit it but Phuwin is right. We're still at that stage."

Tommy's eyes widen by surprise. "Well. It's nice to know you guys trust me about this and it's especially surprising to see Pond telling the truth. He usually lies about this kind of thing." Tommy says as he looks at his watch. "I'll head into the hall first. Go say your good byes to each other before you part ways."

Phuwin and Pond watches Tommy as he walks away and Phuwin turns to Pond, pointing a finger at him. "If you dare show anyone, anyone at all about that picture. I will not only kill you but I will sue you." Phuwin threatens. "I am willing to trust you with that picture, you better not break my trust."

"It's all fine. I'm just joking about showing it to Tommy." Pond reassures.

"The second thing that has been bothering me, you said that you want to experiment with guys but when you were sucking onto my... rod, you seem to know what you were doing. Are you sure it's your first time?" Phuwin asks.

Pond nods. "Yeah. Unlike you, I did my research on how to give a proper blowjob. There's tons of videos on the internet. You should start learning from them instead of jerking off to it. Your teeth are scraping against my skin the first few times you bob your head."

Phuwin's cheek got red talking about the conversation. "Okay stop. We shall not speak of this anymore. I don't wanna know and I doubt I'll be sleeping over again. That is more than enough for me."

Pond lifts a brow. "Say's the one who desperately puts his mouth on my -"

Phuwin puts his hands over his mouth. "Shut up. I'll be going now. Bye!"

Pond grabs onto Phuwin's wrist before he could run away and pulls him in. Pond pecks a kiss on his cheeks before letting him go. "Now you can go." Pond says.

Phuwin's heart starts to pound loudly and he starts running away from Pond. He don't know that Pond's flirting game would be this strong. He could feel himself falling harder for him. He searches for Tommy in the hall but he's nowhere to be seen

Jimmy wraps his arms around Tommy. "I want to hug you so badly." Jimmy says as he tightens his grip around Tommy. Jimmy couldn't help himself. He has never limit himself in front of other people when he's with Tommy before, so this is a challenge for him.

Tommy rests his chin on Jimmy's chest as he looks at up Jimmy. "It's fine. It's for you and your school anyway. How's everyone treating you now? I notice that there's lesser and lesser people trying to get your attention today." Tommy asks.

"Still the same. I told them I don't like anyone touching me so they resort to texting me instead." Jimmy answers. "However, now my phone is blowing up nonstop and I have to mute all the unknown numbers. I even receive gifts from time to time."

Tommy's eyes widen. "Please say it's chocolate."

Jimmy let out a small laugh. "I'll let you eat time once we're home."

Tommy breaks their embrace and tiptoes as he pecks a kiss on Jimmy's lips. "That will be your good luck charm. I'll head out first, Phuwin is probably finding for me right now." Tommy says. "Also it'd be weird to see the both of us exiting the bathroom together."

Jimmy nods. "Go ahead. I'll see you outside."

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