Chapter 1

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The music is so loud that Phuwin couldn't even hear what his friend was saying. All he knows is that he is brought to a club by his friend after being cooped up at home for more than six months. Tommy just wanted to cheer him up and bring him out instead of being coop up at home.

Tommy stops him at the spot beside a couple of tables. "Alright. Listen to me. We're going to meet my friend. Just be friendly and no sad look on your face." Tommy advice. Phuwin nods and started following Tommy again into a private area where there's multi lounge.

Tommy waves at his friend they approach a lounge where there's a single guy smothered by girls left and right. "Tommy! It's been a long time since I saw you. How are you?" His friend asks. Tommy takes an empty seat beside one of the girls, leaving a huge gap between them. Phuwin take a seat beside Tommy, unsure if this is the kind of environment he would want to be in.

Tommy laughs. "I'm doing fine, Pond. You seem busy. I don't even know if I should be here." Tommy points at Phuwin. "Anyway, this is my friend that I told you about, Phuwin." Phuwin looks at Pond and nods in acknowledgement.

Pond looks at the girls around him. "Thanks, you guys can go now." He politely says.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you?" One of the girls asks in a very high pitched voice.

"No. It's just me and my friends tonight girls." Pond replies. The ladies around him whine a couple of sentences that put Pond's lips into a curl but they still got up and left. "Sorry, this should be better for you."

Tommy scoots over to the empty space, giving Phuwin more room. "Yes. Finally there's space for us to sit." Tommy replies.

"So how's your boyfriend, Jimmy? I heard he's still busy with his assignments." Pond says as he leans over to the table pouring a drink into two cups. He grabs the cups and passes it one to Tommy and the other to Phuwin. The two boys accepted it gratefully by nodding.

"Yeah." Tommy grabs onto Phuwin's arm and pulls him closer. "However today isn't about me. It's about my friend." Phuwin got pulled closer to Tommy, nearly spilling his drink. "He broke up with his boyfriend and has been sulking ever since."

Pond lifts a brow, turning his attention to Phuwin. "Oh?" Pond says in a slight surprise. "How long ago was that if you don't mind me asking?"

Phuwin smiles nervously. "It's been about more than six months." Phuwin answers.

"What? Six months and you're still not over him?!" Pond leans forward, shock with Phuwin's answer.

"No no. Don't get me wrong. I'm over him. It's just that I'm not ready to put myself out there yet. So I don't see the point of me going out if I'm going to be emotionally unavailable." Phuwin explains his answer.

Before Pond could reply, Tommy interrupts them. "Hold on, I got a call from Jimmy. I'll be right back." Tommy walks out of the private lounge and picks up the phone.

Pond looks at Phuwin with a lifted brow. "So if you don't mind me asking, you're into guys only right?"

Phuwin nods. "Y-Yeah."

"Well, I'm fine if you're into me but I don't swing that way but I wouldn't mind experimenting." Pond says arrogantly as he leans back into his chair.

Phuwin looks at him with a irked look on his face. "Who says I'm into you?"

"Wait. You mean you're not into me or anything? I thought Tommy brought you here so that he could introduce you to me." Pond asks.

Phuwin let out a long sigh. If this is the conversation that he's going to have with Tommy's friend, Pond, he definitely needs a drink. He takes a sip of his drink, careful of the amount he consumes since he's a light weight. "I have standards. You are not my type to begin with. So yeah. If you ask me, no I'm not into you. Tommy just invite me out here so I can get out of the house." Phuwin answers snarkly.

Pond got taken aback by his tone and his answer. Pond has never gotten a rejection before and he feels his pride getting hurt. Pond scoots closer to Phuwin, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt, exposing his chest a little. He puts his arm on the arm rest as he looks at Phuwin with a lifted brow. Phuwin could tell that he is attempting his best to restore his pride. "Are you sure you're not into me?" Pond asks.

"No." Phuwin answers instantly with a firm voice. He takes another sip of his drink, hoping Tommy would come back soon.

"Why? I'm good looking. Am I not?" Pond asks.

Phuwin could see that he is self-conscious. Phuwin let out a laugh. "Maybe if you stop being in love with yourself then maybe I could consider but there are better guys out there for me. Not to mention someone who isn't up for experimentation."

Pond didn't know why but he feels insulted by Phuwin's words. "How about I bring you out on an expensive date? Exclusive date with me, one to one." Pond persuades Phuwin.

"No. Just because the date is expensive doesn't mean I'd want to do it with you." Phuwin replies. "At this point I feel like you have no personality and all money and looks."

Pond got taken aback by Phuwin's words that he's at a loss for words. No one has ever say that to him before. Tommy comes back, looking at the both of them. "Why are the both of you so close to each other?" Tommy asks as he takes a seat.

Phuwin finishes up his drink and stands up from the chair. "I'm heading home first. I'll get home myself. Thanks for the invite, Tommy."

"Oh. Okay. See you." Tommy replies as he sees Phuwin walk away without acknowledging Pond at all. Tommy turns to Pond with a glare. "What did you do to him? Did you try to hit on him? I know you would like to experiment but hitting on my friend who isn't emotionally ready is not an appropriate thing to do."

"No, no." Pond scratches his head. "Yes? I don't know." Pond pours himself another drink and chugs it down. He slams the cup on the table. "Do you know what he says to me? He says I'm all looks and money with no personality. Who would say that?! I'm nice. I'm cool. How can I have no personality?"

Tommy laughs, hugging his own belly. "Please. Name one relationship that you have that lasted more than a month if you leave out your money and your looks."

Pond opens his mouth, ready to say a few names but realizes that it was all less than a month and most of the ones that lasted more than that are usually because of his money. "Oh my god." Pond says in realization.

Pond grabs Tommy's shirt. "You got to bring him back. I got something to prove to him. That I'm not all money and looks! I don't like to lose."

Tommy rolls his eyes. "Fine. I'll invite him when we have another outing alright. For starters, have you even applied for your courses yet? Phuwin and I got into the same classes."

"Yeah. I applied but I haven't looked at my email for the results yet." Pond answers. "Then what about Jimmy? He's still doing some extra lessons for the examination to his faculty right?"

"Yeah. He called me awhile just to make sure I'm okay and stuff. He really wants to go to the same college so we could still see each other." Tommy answers. "It's really sweet of him but sometimes I wonder if he's pushing himself too hard."

"At least you're still with him because of his personality." Pond answers.

"Are you still salty about Phuwin?" Tommy asks with a smile on his face.

"Yes!" Pond yells. "How am I supposed to sleep at night after what he said to me? Wait. Are you my friend just so you can get free drinks?"

Tommy let out a small chuckle. "You wish that was the reason. I've been friends with you even before I found out you the money, remember? No one liked you because of how stuck up you can be sometimes. Sadly now you're stuck on me like a rash."

"That is true." Pond answers. "So as a friend, get Phuwin back here and I'll prove to him that I am not all looks at money."

Tommy rolls his eyes. "I'll try but it's impossible to get him out of the house"

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