Chapter 2( ̄^ ̄)

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So the next day, as I was getting out of the buss I saw him beating a guy. Didnt really care thought I didn't like that guy. But after a little the principal called me, she wanted me to help this guy with his attitude.WHY??! I did try to refuse but I couldn't, she literally threatened me.
So i agreed and just decided to report him to a teacher whenever he did something. It did work for a while, although he didn't stop I seamed to be doing my job. But because nothing can go smooth in my life, he started getting pissed off on me cause I was reporting him. Now he did threaten me a lot of times, but since this didn't work he chose violence as his second choice. Now I don't want to brag but I grew up with a lot of men around me so I'm kinda used to beating up and getting beat up. The fight lasted for a while but then one of the teachers found us, I didn't get in a lot of trouble since the teachers believe that I didn't do anything wrong. Its not like I could told them or like run away or something.
When we went to the principal she called our parents, my parents were really worried but its not like I haven't got in a fight before so it wasn't really a surprise. I told them that if someone tried something they'll get beat up or I'll fight them and get beat up. They expected it after some time so its not a problem anymore. His parents weren't that calm about it, now I don't blame them there son is always causing trouble. They really seamed like good people, they apologized to me and my parents five times. I don't know from who this guy got all this attitude from like he looks like he has a really bad home life, but it doesn't seem like this at all.
Well even if the principal was angry she still didn't expel him, and I can't understand why! She did make someone else take over him so he wasn't my problem anymore!! Or so I thought, because this guy apparently wanted revenge on me. And since he didn't get to beat me up as he wanted to he decided to bully me.

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