Her eyes tracks the movement of Taehyung's chopsticks, constantly going back and forth between the grill and Lisa's plate. Despite the piled up pork, the Thai's eyes were still dead set on Jungkook. Jennie can't help but snort at the absurd situation.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook turns to her, his tattooed hand placing a strip of meat on her plate. He gives her a lopsided smile, eyes smitten at the sight of Jennie.

She shakes her head. "Nothing, I thought it was just cute how we look like we're on a double date." Jennie jests, her eyes turning dark as she catches a glimpse of the look on Taehyung's face.

He looked horrified and Jennie feels her heart swell. Having power over people's feelings will never be tiring, indeed.

Lisa chokes on her drink and the two men stands up in alarm, debating which one of them should help her. Yet, the younger girl takes the napkin Jungkook offered her and Taehyung's hand slowly lowers on his lap. It's all too amusing that Jennie might just burst out laughing any minute from now.

"That's silly, you guys may be on a date. But me and Tae? Blergh!" The doll-faced girl fakes a gag making the three of them simultaneously crack up, except Taehyung, of course.

"Still! You guys have been friends for so long, there's no way not even a single infatuation took place." She forces the idea once again, still finding amusement in Taehyung's reaction.

Jungkook slightly nudges her, giggling. "No way, we're all like siblings."

The light in Lisa's eyes flickers momentarily before it turns back on, seemingly dimmer than how it previously was. Jennie fails to supress the wide smile that formed out of her lips.

"Well, I don't know about you, but men and women doesn't necessarily have to be in a relationship if they knew each other for a long time. Platonic friendships exists, atleast for us."  Taehyung finally speaks, his bottled emotions spilling like a fractured glass.

She raises her eyebrow at the obvious jab at her, but before she could even protest, Jungkook interjects. "Hey, that was not nice. We were just joking around. Right?" He turns to Lisa who nods right away, fiddling on her fingers.

Taehyung sighs, crossing his arms over his chest before leaning back to his chair. "I just think it's quite rude of her to make uncomfortable remarks, especially since we just met."

Is he crazy? Did he forget that I can just ruin his friendship with Lisa singlehandedly? Jennie frowns, her eyebrows furrowing. Her mood turned sour and the more she thought about it, she realized how she had forgotten an important thing.

Jungkook and Lisa thinks that the four of them had just formally met today, so why would they believe Jennie if she ever tells them that Taehyung has feelings for Lisa?

Jennie bows her head down. "I'm sorry, I must've crossed a line thinking that we can be comfortable with each other. I got way too ahead of myself."

Lisa flinches in her seat, Jungkook mimicking her. The two younger figures looked at her worriedly and Jungkook puts an arm over her shoulder, caressing the back of her arm. "Hey, no. We were completely fine with it, Taehyung's the only one making a fuss."

Without the need to look up, Jennie was confident that Jungkook and Lisa gave Taehyung a warning glare based on what came out of his mouth next. "Yeah... I'm just extra sensitive today, I guess."

The rest of the meal went on in a deafening silence and heavy atmosphere, aside from the casual small talks that Lisa and Jungkook strikes from time to time. Taehyung never looked at Jennie's direction once again, while Jennie constantly finds herself itching to spare him a glance.

Maybe it was out of spite, atleast Jennie likes to think so.

By the time they had finished everything on the table, Lisa and Jungkook simultaneously stands up and says something about paying at the cashier. It was obviously a pre-planned set up so they can get the two to talk, when it was executed? Jennie had no idea and she couldn't care less.

Not when she was standing by the cramped hallway a few meters away from the restaurant exit, Taehyung beside her.

"When are you gonna cut this off?"

"I'll ask Jungkook to be my boyfriend."

They both spoke at the same time, creating an even heavier imaginary tension between them.

Taehyung grumbles something indecipherable under his breath and when Jennie was just about to ask him, he speaks up. "Will he agree  if he knew you for who you really are? A manipulative fox who enjoys toying with people's feelings?"

"Are you gonna tell him that? How are you so sure he'll believe you?" She asks back.

Jennie hears a scoff followed by a series of footsteps and she finds herself backed against the wall in a blink of an eye. Taehyung towers over her, their bodies too close to each other that she could barely breathe.

Her neck was tilted upwards, meanwhile the other was almost slumped over the wall, lowering his face to meet her height. "Tell me, between a childhood friend..." Taehyung points to himself. "...and a new lover he had just met, who do you think he'll believe?" He places a finger just inches below Jennie's collarbone to refer to her, and she swore he could probably feel the hammering of her heart against her chest.

Jennie sees his gaze flicker from her eyes to her lips and she suddenly feels conscious of her dry lips and throat. She was too caught up with their close proximity that she fails to get a single word out, lightheaded and dizzy from his scent alone.

"That's what I thought." His breath lightly fanned over her lips. "Remember this, Jennie. I'm better off as a friend rather than a foe. Don't ever try to threaten me again, I'll make sure to put you in your place next time." He grits his teeth, the outline of his jaw tightening.

Pulling away from each other, Lisa and Jungkook comes into view and she watches Taehyung's lips tug into a smile as he puts an arm around her. "I already apologized to Jennie, we're fine now, don't worry."

Jungkook turns to look at her and she could only nod, her knees were weak. She felt like if she said another word in Taehyung's presence, it would just give in and she'd fall flat to the floor.

"That's good to hear then." Lisa mutters, pulling ahead of them towards the other end of the hall.

Jennie finds herself stuck in a tight situation, Taehyung just proved to her that two can play this game. And she might just have trouble picking out her next move.

Umm.. the sexual tension ???????? щ(゚Д゚щ) And not Jennie digging her own grave lol

To be continued ...

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