Chapter 1

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At first Jennie thought that she was just likable. Too likable.

To the point where it's uncomfortable and has caused pain to the people around her.

It was concerning, really.

In her first year of highschool, her friend had dragged her along to thirdwheel on a date. She would've refused — considering how awkward that must've been — but she had said that it was her boyfriend who asked for Jennie.

Confusion. That was the only thing she could think about.

And it didn't change after he blurted out a soft "The truth is, I really like you." After her friend left them to take their food from the fastfood counter.

"How can you say that? You're dating Yee-un." Jennie says, despite the internal turmoil ongoing inside of her. There was no sign of repulsion or even slight disconcert in her expression.

Perhaps she was just a bad friend, or maybe it's the fact that she couldn't be bothered about something out of her control. Not even a string of uneasiness seeped into her veins, and at most situations it's relieving but given the current context, it's disturbing.

She starts to internally berate herself for feeling so cold and empty, for not reacting like how a normal person would.

Jennie had ignored the signs right after that incident. How she couldn't tell Yee-un because she was afraid she wouldn't believe her. How Jennie had started to reach out to Yee-un's boyfriend convincing herself that it was for her friend's sake. How she stood quietly infront of the tear-stricken Yee-un who thanked her for revealing his true intentions, mumbling about how she hopes they can stay friends.

Somehow, she never felt guilt or superiority, blankly staring at her friend's puffed face and swollen eyes. All Jennie could tell herself was, "I'd rather die, than find myself exploited like her."

Conviction can either be a truth or a lie. For her case, it had been the latter. And it has always been that way since she had numbed herself into Yee-un's feelings.

Jennie since then found herself manipulating and exploiting people like some warped hobby. A hobby that developed a skill of lying through her teeth as if she was breathing in air.

She didn't really have any reason at all. It could be that she just loved herself too much and had found nothing better than the feeling of being wanted.

A tragic childhood trauma was not it either. Jennie had a privileged and blessed childhood, whether it was her family's fortune, her good looks, and brains. She had endless capabilities to be able to do and get, everything or anything she wants.

It doesn't have to be reasonable. It doesn't have to make sense.

Because at the end of the road, everyone would be crawling to appease her and fool themselves into believing she was a good person.

That's how society works, put on a mask, build a good reputation, and only show people what they wanna see — then and only then, would they look past through the lies and deception.

It was supposed to be flawless, spotless.

No one was supposed to doubt and dislike her.

Until, Kim Taehyung came into the spotlight.

He was odd. Never looked towards her direction, drooled over her, and at some cases, he's almost avoiding her.

It was a new experience. Not that everyone in her life had to like the monstrosity that is her — it doesn't work like that, but it was a first that someone was undoubtedly cautious of her. Like they had seen through her act, way before they could get to know her.

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