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"What do you mean she dropped out? I'm paying her more than double what she earns in an entire year!" Regina shouted down the phone, smoke coming out of her ears.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, she said she got a big role in a movie and had to drop out" Bernadette, her assistant, quickly replied, nervous at how much trouble she'd be in.

"This is not acceptable! My parents will be here in four days and I need a wife for it!" Regina snapped, pushing her hand through her hair to grip it tightly.

"I will keep looking, ma'am" Bernadette informed in a hurried pace, knowing she's going to be told off.

"Yes, you will! This is your job, now find me a fake wife" Regina demanded in frustration, hanging up before her assistant could speak again. She huffed as she threw the phone across the room, smashing it against the wall and floor. "Fuck!"

Regina walked over to her desk and grabbed her list of needs, scribbling for a new phone on it. Regina was so rich, if she broke anything, she could easily buy a new one. Her car got a small dent in and she brought a new one by the following week. She then grabbed her bag from the desk and stormed out the room, slamming the door shut. She walked into the kitchen to see her best friend stood at the island, walking over to join her.

"Morning" Erica said with a smile, taking a bite of her toast.

"Why are you in my kitchen, eating my food" Regina asked, digging through her bag for her lipstick.

"Wanted to know if you'd like to go shopping" Erica replied, gesturing the plate for the other brunette to eat.

"Might as well" Regina said in an almost mumble, too busy topping up her makeup on her lips. She glanced down at the plate and saw the other slice of toast, pushing it back to the woman. "I'm not hungry, thanks"

"When was the last time you ate breakfast" Erica asked with a laugh, rolling her eyes at the brunette.

"I don't know, not since 04" Regina chuckled, playing off as if she was joking. Erica just laughed and picked up her other slice, taking a bite. A maid walked into the room, giving a curtsy to Regina before going to the sink. "You, whatever your name is, call my assistant and tell her my phone is broke. If she finds someone, call my driver"

"Yes, ma'am"

Regina grabbed her bag off the island and began walking out, Erica following her out. They went to the car and climbed into the already open door, not bothering to thank the driver. Due to today being Thursday, she was taking the black Range Rover. She had a different car for each day of the week. She glanced out the tinted window and looked over Beverly Hills, seeing how far they were.

"Where are we going first" Erica asked, pulling the brunette attention from the window.

"Tiffany's, obviously" Regina replied with a chuckle, knowing they always start there.

"Coolness" Erica said happily, showing how excited she was for shopping.

Soon enough, they arrived outside the large shop. The driver opened the door on Regina's side, allowing her out first as always. The pair walked past him as if he wasn't there, heading into Tiffany's.

"Hi there, Miss Mills, welcome back" the woman at the door greeted, smiling as she held the door open.

"Thank you, dear" Regina simply said, giving a fake smile as she walked past her.

As the brunette looked up, she caught sight of a blonde woman by the changing rooms as the help. She thought she was beautiful for someone of such little money and class. The woman went by the name Emma Swan. Regina lowered her sunglasses to the end of her nose, getting a better sight at the blonde. Emma glanced over and saw her staring, becoming shy due to a gorgeous woman looking at her.

"Oh my god, Gina, look at this dress" Erica called over, rushing over in excitement to see the dress.

Regina allowed her eyes to, very obviously, rolled up and down Emma's  body, smirking at her a little. She winked and lifted her glasses back over her eyes, watching as the blonde blushed. She then turned to her best friend and walked towards her, checking out the dress held against her body.

"This is so cute for you" Regina said with a smile, taking a small sample of the dress to feel it.

"I know right. I saw this one for you too" Erica replied, holding up a short red dress.

"Ooo, I love it" Regina excitedly said, practically snatching the dress from her hand.

The pair gathered multiple dresses they liked and took them to the changing rooms, wanting to try all of them on. Regina barely acknowledged Emma as she walked past, pretending like she didn't see her; she was actually looking at her through the mirror. She hung her choice of clothing up on the hook before stripping down to her underwear. Erica done the same beside her, pausing to look at her own body.

"Ugh, I miss being 22. Back then I had perky boobs, now they seen to sag" Erica huffed in annoyance, holding her bra covered boobs up a little.

"I use to have such a tiny waist, I'd have clothes custom made. Now, normal clothes fit me" Regina sighed, placing her hands on either side of her hips to push them in. Emma chuckled a little in shock, thinking the woman's bodies were fine as they were. Regina snapped her head round, ripping her sunglasses off her face. Emma froze at the sight her, worried she was in trouble on her first week. Regina glared into the blondes eyes, making sure she scared her. "Did you just laugh at me"

"What? No, sorry" Emma quickly said, looking down in fear of the woman's power.

"Yes, you did and now you've just lied to me. Is me putting on weight funny to you?" Regina sternly asked, slowly turning her body around to see her.

"No, I laughed beca-"

"I didn't ask why!" Regina cut in with anger, raising her voice more as she stepped closer. Emma stepped backwards and looked away, knowing she's really in trouble now. "What is your name"

"Emma Swan, Miss" Emma hesitantly said, flicking her eyes to lock with the brunettes.

"It's either Miss Mills or ma'am, never just Miss. Congratulations, Em-ma, you no longer have a job" Regina said, starting off stern but growing a smirk at the end.

"What? I just laughed because your body is flawless and you're criticising it, I wasn't insulting you" Emma quickly said, fear growing on her face at the threat.

"You do not laugh at me and think you can get away with it" Regina sternly said, walking towards the changing room entrance. She poked her head round to see the manager still at the door, waving at her for her attention. "Come here"

"Of course, ma'am, is everything ok" the woman asked, approaching the brunette quickly.

"No, I want this woman fired for being disrespectful to me" Regina replied with a glare at the blonde, walking back over to her place.

"I'm so sorry, madam Mills. What was it that she done" the manager asked, not wanting to fire Emma on her first day.

"I do not need to justify myself to you, get rid of her. If I ever see her in this store again, I'll have my father shut it down and we both know he can" Regina said with a slight smirk, knowing this is one of the many companies her father owns.

"As you wish, ma'am. Emma, if you would kindly follow me" the manager sighed softly, having no power to stop this.

"Wait" Regina quickly said, walking over to Emma. She placed her hands through the blonde locks and stood close, slowly bringing them to the pale cheeks. Emma suddenly became very aware that this woman was still in her underwear, trying to hard not to look down. "You're cute, sweetie" Regina started, softly brushing her thumbs on the blondes cheeks. She then tightened her grip and grew angry, holding Emma's face closer. "But don't ever disrespect me again"

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