When we arrived in Cloud Recess Lan Zhan had a class so he was teaching so we had for a little bit so we went and sat in the Patio watching the bunnies playing with each other, after a little while Lan XiChen came to us with Jiang Cheng. " Master Wei I heard that you had a visitor today," he said in a formal way since Xiuwei was facing away from him, he couldn't see his face. " Something like that," Xiuwei turned around to look at Lan XiChen and both of the gasped. "Its you!" Lan XiChen said first and I was suddenly confused. " You are Wei Wang right?" I could see the dangerous jealousy on Jiang Cheng's face. "It's me, I never thought I'd see you again he stood up and gave Lan XiChen a tight hug," and Lan XiChen returned it just as tightly. " Wei Ying I met Lan Huan when Cloud Recess was burnt, I was searching for you but met him instead and he was badly hurt and so I took him back to Kunlun Mountain," that made sense explains why nobody could find Lan XiChen. " Lan XiChen you forgot to mention to me that I had a twin brother?" I asked teasingly and something dangerous flashed in Jiang Cheng's eyes. " Why didn't you tell me?" he asked Lan XiChen softly, he just smiled at him softly. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid that his identity would be compromised and be mistaken for Wei Ying, everyone was so dead set in killing Wei Ying and I couldn't drag his brother in all of that mess," he looked at me guiltily. " Wei...." I saw Lan Zhan coming and he was wearing all black looking sexy as hell, I could feel the change in my eyes. " Here we go again," my brother said as he looked at me smirking. " Don't eat him, we have work to do," I chuckled softly. " You're so cute and innocent thinking that I just want to eat him," when he got to us at the patio he smirked at me and greeted Xiuwei the most surprising thing he did was to give him a hug, but to the both of them it seemed so normal. " Glad you were able to make it," Lan Zhan looked at his brother and then at Jiang Cheng and bowed his head. " Lan Zhan don't I get a kiss or a hug?" he grabbed me and pulled me towards him and he gently kissed me. " Hey love," I quiet didn't expect him to do that and now I was blushing like a punk. " Xiuwei shall we?" Lan Zhan asked and he nodded his head, and both of them took off. " Where are they going?" Lan XiChen asked. " They are going hunting," I answered softly as I was still enjoying the burning sensation on my cheeks. " Wei Ying I want to talk to you," Jiang Cheng said softly so Lan XiChen excused himself before he left he kissed Jiang Cheng softly on his lips which made Jiang Cheng's face to flush.

When Lan XiChen was far away from us he looked at me. " What do you think you're doing!?" he fumed and I had the urge to laugh. " What are you talking about Jiang Cheng? Didn't you do this to yourself? Do you think I am stupid?" I saw the hatred in his eyes. " You took everything away from me and you say I brought this to myself!" he fumed again. " What exactly did I take away from you? As far as I can see it I lost more than you! Yes you lost your parents but I wasn't the motivation behind their death! Whether I had offended your parents killers or not they still would have made the same choice, You were never cast out and you still had people who cared for you and worried about you but what about me? You think I like being the hero and showing off but have you realized that I don't have anything at! You lost your parents but I lost everything including myself, when I thought that you are my world you showed me that you are for the world not for me. You have always thought that I am better than you well maybe I am Jiang Cheng, because I have learnt to appreciate everything that I have, I have a soulmate who loves me so much that I couldn't even put it into words, I have a son and son-in-law who complete my entire world and I have a brother who loves me for me in all my darkness! HaoMei and Disung, those are the people that didn't turn their backs on me so how could I have taken something away from you! You have everything you want and desire and I am have my happiness but you want to take that right! You claimed to love Xie Jie yet you have held her hostage! Yes I know that Xie Jie is alive Jiang Cheng but I can't do anything about because her life will be in danger right?" his whole face had turned puce. " If I were you Wei Ying, I wouldn't sleep a wink keeping my eyes open just in case something happens to Lan Zhan, after all he is your weakness isn't he?" he smirked down at me and laughed. " What on earth ever made you think Lan Zhan is my weakness? You could never find my weakness even if you dreamt about it and if just a single strand of hair from Lan Zhan plucks out know that you and Lotus Pier will become a bloodbath house," I took out my Chenqing and spun it around. " If you hurt Lan XiChen I will bury you with his tears," I said softly at him and I smiled at him. " and I walked back to Jingshi, once again I could tell that Lan Zhan was going to be in danger but unlike last time I won't let anything happen to him.

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