Chapter 3

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We finally arrived at Hogwarts after me and the girls got dressed into our robes. We grabbed our bags and got off the train walking to the carriages. "So are we still on for girls night?" I asked our group as we got into a carriage.

"Absolutely! It's tradition." Lily yelled at me like it was obvious. "Every first night since first year we stay up all night with snacks from the kitchen and play board games seeing as classes don't start till next week." Marlene explained. "We have to do it, me and Astra are on snack duty this year and Lily and Marlene have to get the boys out of the common room early." Alice said while we exited the carriages after having arrived at the gates.

We walked up towards the castle as we continued our conversation. "Why us! Ash is the only one who can get them to leave." Marlene complained. "Everyone knows I pick the best snacks. That's why I am always on snack duty. Plus last time you got snacks, Marlene, you broke three plates before even getting to the common room."

"Hey! To be fair, those staircases don't stop for anyone." Marlene justified as we sat at our usual spot at the table in the great hall. With me at the end seeing as I am the only one who can stand the Marauders because I am also in the group.

The feast went by quickly and Dumbledore did his usual welcome back speech. After we were dismissed Lily and Remus went to do their prefect duties. The rest of us walked back to the common room. "So what game are we playing this time girls?" I asked, collapsing on the couch.

"Oh, games? Count me in!" Sirius said coming and laying beside me on the couch. "No way! Not this time! It's girls night. It's a tradition, one that you are not involved in." I said pushing him away from me as James sat on my right.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side like he did on the train. I cuddled into him without question. It's just James. He is always like this. He has always been like this. He loves physical touch, it calms him down after a long day.

After a minute or two he didn't seem satisfied with that so he turned and laid his head in my lap as I kept talking with the rest of the group. "What are you doing?" I laughed at him. "I'm tired. You know the train ride always makes me tired." He pouted and took my left hand placing it in his hair so I will play with it.

I started running my fingers through his hair as I knew he wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I didn't. I continued asking about everyone's summers until Remus and Lily came walking in. "Ok time to go." Alice said, jumping up from her chair.

"Ok one second." I said, lifting up James' head as he slept and pulling myself from the couch, laying his head back down onto a throw pillow. "This" I said motioning to all of the boys. "Is you two's job" I pointed at Lily and Marlene and walked out of the common room and to the kitchens with Alice.

When we got back we could hear the arguing through the portrait. "Fortuna Major '' We both walked in to see James sitting on the couch, Sirius and Marlene yelling at each other, and Peter and Remus standing by the stairs wanting no part of the fight.

"Both of you stop!" I yelled at Sirius and Marlene grabbing them both by the collars and pulling them apart facing James and Lily who are sitting on the couch watching. "Now, what is going on?" I say after pulling them over to two arm chairs and shoving them into them harshly. Sirius stood up and went to yell again but I stopped him.

"Sit down!" I yelled "Now, we can either talk this through like adults or I can drag you both upstairs and lock you in a room together until you stop fighting." I said glaring at both of them. "Do I make myself clear?" I demanded.

"Yes ma'am. They both replied, intimidated. "Now please, calmly, explain why you two were screaming at each other." I looked at them and sat on the edge of the table. "Marlene first." I said as they tried to talk over each other.

"Well, I was trying to ask the boys to please go to their dorm so we could have the common room for our girls' night. Remus and Peter agreed very easily saying that they needed to unpack anyways. James was still asleep so Lily was trying to wake him up and I tried to convince Sirius to go upstairs but he wouldn't listen. He just turned on the record player and continued to turn it up when I tried to talk to him. I got annoyed and turned it off and he blew up. We kept fighting and that's when you came in." Marlene explained.

"Is this correct, Sirius?" I asked. "Yes, but I did not blow up at her. She turned my music off and continued to try to make me leave the common room but I said I would leave when you got here so that I could enjoy the music for a little bit longer." I turned to the rest of the room.

"Is this exactly how it went?" I questioned our other friends and they all nodded their heads yes. James sat there with an amused smile just watching me scold the two like kids. "Now, I have a solution-" I was cut off. "Oh thank goodness! The boss has a smart way to please us all. Please continue." Sirius said dramatically.

I got tired of his games so I grabbed my brother by the collar and pulled him towards me. "Interrupt me like that again and you won't like my reaction." I growled, pushing him back in the chair. "Now, Sirius, why don't you just take the record player upstairs. No one else uses it but you and me and the girls need the common room for girls night. You boys can have the common room tomorrow. Ok?" I asked, looking at all of them.

"James, please." I pouted with my best puppy dog eyes knowing that he can't resist them. "Of course." James said, wrapping his arms around me. "Ugh James!" Sirius groaned, upset that his friend gave in so easily. "Come on, Sirius." James let go as Remus grabbed Sirius by the arm and pulled him upstairs with Peter following.

"You girls have fun, ok?" James said, looking over at the girls and then back at me. "We will. Goodnight, James." I said looking into his hazel eyes. "Good night, Cy." He hugged me again and quickly jogged upstairs after the boys.

"He is so madly in love with you, Ash." Lily said as all of the girls smiled knowingly at each other when I turned around with a grin on my face.

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