Chapter 2

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"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley lady called into the girls' and I's compartment. "No thank you." I said politely as Marlene and Lily got up to get some sweets. I sat with my back against the window reading a muggle book Remus sent to me over the summer.

"Are you sure you don't want anything, dear?" She asked again. "No thank you ma'am." I said, smiling politely. "Just as well. Wouldn't want to ruin that perfect figure of yours." She said as we all laughed and she continued on.

"Speaking of perfect figures, have you been working out Astra?" Marlene questioned me as the girls sat back down in the compartment. "Yeah me and James worked out together over the summer for quidditch. We tried to get Sirius to join, but he always complained about eating too many of Mia's sweets." We all laughed at that.

"You worked out with James?" Lily asked, looking at me suspiciously. "Yeah in the garden. He said I wasn't allowed to work harder and be stronger than him. As he is the captain." I stated, not paying much attention to her.

"You and James do seem a bit closer thi-" Alice got cut off by the door being pulled open. "Hey Cy." James said, sitting next to me as I turned to lean against the wall again, putting my feet on the floor. "Hey Jay, what are you doing here?" I wondered why he isn't sitting with my brother and his friends.

"I came to give you this because I know you weren't going to buy one yourself and they are your favorites." He pulled something out of his pocket. "You got me a chocolate bar?" I asked, looking at him and taking the chocolate out of his hand.

"Well... I knew how much you loved them and I knew for sure you weren't going to get one for yourself because you think you don't need it so I got you one. And you have to eat it or you will hurt my feelings."

"Are you serious?" I questioned looking at him. "No, don't you know what your own brother looks like?" He joked as I laughed and rolled my eyes. "That was lame." "You love me." He said, leaning towards my face and smirking.

"Just eat the chocolate, darling. I am not leaving until you do." He stated, taking the chocolate from my hand and opening it, breaking two pieces off and sticking one in his mouth. He moved the other piece closer to me and held it up for me. "Ash, please eat it so he will leave." Lily exasperated.

"Ok, ok." I laughed, taking the chocolate from him and eating it. "Ok now go." Marlene said, pushing him up out of the seat and out of the compartment. "Ok what was that?" Marlene whipped around and questioned me, walking over to her seat beside me quickly and sitting down.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not knowing what she meant. "Did you not see the way James was looking at you? He was practically drooling!" Alice squeaked. "He came all the way to our compartment just to give you a chocolate bar. And wouldn't leave until you ate it, might I add." Lily said, setting her book down.

"What are you getting at?" I questioned looking at them incredulously. "He totally fancies you, mate!" Marlene yelled. "Shh. I don't think the whole of Scotland heard you!" I said pulling her back into her seat after her outburst.

"I mean we're friends... just friends. Plus he doesn't like me that way." I said blushing lightly. "Friends don't look at friends that way, Ash." Lily stated as Alice shook her head in agreement. "What way!" I was so confused at what they were trying to say. There is no way James Potter fancied me.

"For Merlin's sake! Like your the bloody sun! Like you are his whole world! He looks at you and sees his whole future! He is so utterly and deeply in love with you and you both are two blind to see it! Heck even bloody Peter notices!" Marlene screams, throwing her hands around in the air.

"There is no way." I stated, calmly looking at my friends who looked like they were about to explode. "We're just friends. Heck! My brother and I live with him." I rolled my eyes not seeing why it was such a big deal.

"Friends don't buy each other chocolate just because they know the other will not buy it for themselves. They don't notice the little things like that. Friends don't know exactly when and where you need them after a nightmare. Friends don't skip classes to take care of you all day when you're sick." Lily said, looking at me in the eyes and taking my hands in her own, trying to get her point across.

"Face it Ash, the boy is crazy for you." Alice said dreamily.

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