Chapter 1 - The Arrival

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Scotland, 1984

It was a cool, Autumn day. Cries rang throughout a small hospital room in a Scottish town near the mountains. The Sun began to rise over a valley's peak as clouds began to turn every shade of rose and tangerine.

A nurse with short black hair and a hospital uniform walked into the room holding a small newborn wrapped in a blanket. She cried loudly as her ginger hair curled around the pink cloth that she was wrapped in.
"Here you are Mrs. Pond," she said with a warmhearted smile. She handed the mother the teary child.

The newborn stopped crying the moment she saw her mother and stared at her with deep, amber eyes. The mother stared in wonder at the beautiful child. She was smaller than most, and had eyes that seemed too big for her head. Her scarlet hair looped about head like springs and she laughed cheerfully. The mother, knowing that this would be her last day on Earth, laid back in her cot, coddling the young child.

"Tell her..." the mother gasped. "That one day, she will do amazing things." She let out her last breath. "Be brave, my little Amelia."

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