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((Takes place right before the Virtual World arc)) ((THIS IS SO BAD PLEASE LORD FORGIVE ME))

Shuichi was tired. Tired of the killing game. Tired from a lack of sleep. Tired of everything. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. A *ding* came from the monitor, signaling that it was 8:00AM, rising time. He hadn't slept, so hastily, he stood up and walked over to his closet, changing into a different outfit (but uh the same outfit? How the hell do I word that? Ok). Per usual, Kaito had been awaiting the monitor's toll and was knocking rapidly on Shuichi's door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." Shuichi mumbled, wondering if it was really worth it.

"You're gonna miss breakfast! Come on!" Kaito hurriedly responded.

Shuichi questioned if Kaito had any real concept of how time worked. Though, to save a huge argument, he agreed and opened the door. Kaito was brimming with joy, and grabbed Shuichi's hand, running to the dining hall.

"Kaito, calm down! If anything, we're early... Why are you so hyper this morning?"

Kaito merely ignored the questions and kept his stride.

"Good morning Kaito, Shuichi!" Gonta waved at the two of them, a smile on his face as usual.

"Mornin' Gonta!" Kaito stopped and waved.

Shuichi was just overall confused at how his day was turning out. First, Kaito is extremely hyper. Second... Well... Kaito just being hyper is it, I guess, but it felt like more. Something was just off.

"Rise and Shine, Ursine!" oh god.

All the monokubs popped up one by one in front of them.

"You - will – all – be – late. Hurry – please." Monodam's robotic voice stopped the morning greetings and confused Shuichi even more.

"Come on! Why is everyone so off this morning? It just turned 8, why is everyone panicking about being late?" He finally asked, more angry now than anything.

Monophaine smiled and explained that there was an exciting announcement taking place at exactly 8:10AM, so everyone had better hurry up if they didn't want to miss it. Shuichi knew something suspicious was going on, so he just nodded and wondered why he didn't know about that.

"So long, bear well!"

The monokubs all disappeared, one after the other.

"Come on, come on! It's already 5 after! We'll miss it." Kaito was almost scary when he was this pumped for something. He once again dragged Shuichi along, running towards the dining hall.

When they finally made it, Monokuma was waiting impatiently for all the students to arrive. It had been a while since a murder had taken place, so maybe that's that this is all about... Shuichi thought. In the dining hall, everyone was there except for Gonta and Maki. Miu, as usual, was making inappropriate comments, Keebo was being oblivious, and Kokichi was harassing everyone. I guess this day isn't too off.

Shuichi's POV

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. Geez, you're all so rowdy." Monokuma whined but continued with his announcement. "Since it's been a while... and I bet you all miss the beautiful trial room... I've prepared another motive!" Oh, Atua, please help me.

 All of the students groaned, and Kokichi started "bawling his eyes out", someone was quick to call him out though.

"HUSH. Anyways... This motive is different in a way... It has bad things about one another in them. For instance, if you end up getting, oh I don't know... Gonta's! You'd see the worst thing he had ever done." Monokuma cackled to himself.

"What! Gonta never do something bad bad! Gentlemen don't do bad bad things!" Gonta pleaded. It was almost pitiful.

"Oh, yeah! If you don't watch the video... You'll be killed by our very own Exisals!"
o h.

I was dumbfounded. Why would he do this? All of the bad things that I'd done spiraled through my mind. What did I do? Who would I get? Who would get me? Will this ruin me?

I guess I was too wrapped up in my thoughts because by the time I had come to focus again, Monokuma was gone, and everyone was worriedly chattering. A notification on my kubspad made me look down. There it was - the motive. Everyone must have gotten theirs, too, because they all started talking about leaving for a minute to go watch them.

"Come on, guys! You can't just do that! What about our friendships? Guys!!" Kaito, being the idiot that he is, yelled back at them.

Everyone just ignored him and continued on.

I guess... I should go watch mine too, huh? I sighed and hesitantly walked to a secluded place, where I could watch it without being disturbed.

Music played.

"Monokuma and the kubs present... Your new motive! Duh duh duuuuh! Shuichi Saihara, it was tough picking out who you should get... STOP BEING SO COMPLICATED, GEEZ... So, I decided on the one you seem to talk to a lot!"

Oh god... No, please say I didn't get Kaito... Please, please.

A picture popped up on my screen and I was shocked. 


Ok, I'm back by popular demand. 

I'm having to split this up to make it look like I didn't just spend an entire school week continuously writing this.

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