hey mUfFiNhEaDs (smh)

11 1 14

(mother cereal is @cindythelamp)

mother cereal is very swaggy. that's what the less swaggy dude said before mother left the store forever. ofc, mother knew this, but it felt important to remember as this was the last day of mother's job at the store😍 because theyd gotten fired :( for stealing yummeo chips.

mother walked home to her swaggy house which happened to be right next to the cottagecore mcdonalds :)

when they got home there was a note on the table, but mother was too busy being swaggy to notice. mother took a shower and then put lipstick on her eyes bc they didn't have eyeshadow

then she saw the letter (dun dun dun)

it was very fancu and had one of those cool wax seals on it 

mother cereal opened the letter and read it, feeling a wave of spookiness wash over

dear mother cereal,

theres been a catastrophe, and you're like one out of a million that could save us maybe, but we chose you because we believe that you can help. go to the airport at 4:20pm tomorrow and get on the yellow plane. they will take you to [coordinates] to receive your mission parameters. burn this letter as soon as you read it and don't trust anyone- there are many sussy bakas in this world.

good luck.


mother cereal used their big brain to remember the coordinates, then burned the letter in a fancu fireplace. she also looked for clues for who gave the letter, but only found a faint smell of food stuff idk

then she packed their netherite  armor and set off in search of the airport without questioning if it was a good idea because they were bored and had nothing else to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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