"I'm excited to meet harry!" peter said

Of course James was like this the whole time the way there and while she was in labor (hw wasn't allowed in because of that) I was with her and Sirius was similar to James so they both waited. Peter helped James and Sirius stay calm. Reg wasn't as excited and he stayed in the waiting room with the three.

But once Harry was born.. James was the happiest and most loving. That's how he is. Harry stole my heart faster than even Sirius Black. All of us, even reg, would do anything for Harry the moment he was born.


"I'm sorry everyone. I know that Harry was just born a week ago but this is important. There is a spy in the order. "

Here were gasps from almost everyone.

"Furthermore, You-Know-Who is going after Harry. He believes a prophecy and wants the boy dead."

James started crying. Harry soon followed, then his mother. A few minutes and Sirius started. Peter couldn't hold his tears and then I couldn't help shed a few.

"We plan to only give information on a need to know basis and no one will know the full plan."

That day I knew it'd be a while before I saw James, Lily, or Harry again.



"None of them will ever suspect it,'' I said, thinking I was smart. "Peter is perfect for this. Not even Remus knows about the switch." We were sitting in james' parents house. Remus had left to get ready for the moon.

"Peter?" james asked

They looked thoughtful. "Yeah I think that'll work."

James, Lily, Peter and the potter's son Harry, sweet Harry, went out of the room. Harry was in his mother's arms. They put the Fidelius charm on Peter, making him the secret keeper.

After one last goodbye, the Potter family went somewhere safe.

I was antsy and restless. It wasn't a good idea to find any of the marauders right now. The Order hadn't given me any more tasks that night, but I couldn't sleep.

It was maybe two am. I was still awake. A stag filled my dark room with light. James' patronus. I got up and the patrous said a location in James' voice. "Protect them. I love you both." He meant me and remus. Remus...if he was the spy.. How? How'd he arrange this? He had the moon?? Unless I was wrong? I apprated to the spot. I ran in. James is dead. No no no no I cant I cant no no. I started crying. I ran away from his body trying to find Lily and Harry. There! No... Lily's body.. Oh! Harry.. I picked him up and held him close.

Where's Wormtail? I walked around with baby harry. I didn't find him. He must've left to find help or something. I walked outside. Aurors! Maybe they can help find He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I was about to say something when one of the aurors said something first. "Sirius black. Put down the child and step away." they all had their wands pointed at.. Me.

"What? Excuse me? Why do I have to put down my godson?"

"You are being arrested for the murder of peter pettegrew and the betryal of james and lily potter's location."

"What? Peter is- Peter is dead?" I tried not to cry. I gently laid Harry on the grass. He started to cry. "There must-there- no uh... where is Peter's body? I didn't- I swear- no!"

Another auror laughed bitterly. "All you leave of your supposed best friend is a finger and you have the nerve to pretend you don't know what's going on? All the evidence says it's you black. You are just like your family, eh?"

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