15, third year: The End, or is it?

Start from the beginning

He smiled. "I always wanted to try..but I'm scared."

"Scared of yourself?'

"Scared it'll be me- it'll be the wolf."


"But I want to try."


"Me too!' peter said

"And me!" james said

"I might as well." lily said

"Okay, one moment I have a book on it."

'Of course you do."

"It's interesting!" he yelled behind him as he grabbed it

"My boyfriend is a nerd!'

"You still love me."

"I love that you're a nerd."

"Okay, circle, flick. Expecto patronum. Think of the happiest thing. Not everyone can make a corporeal one. Meaning you might not get an animal."


"It's really difficult so just try."

We all stood at brainstormed memories. Peter started trying his first. After the third one he was able to make a non-corporeal one.

"Good job peter!" Lily said before trying herself.

James got his second and his patronus was a stag. "Of course!"

"Of course?" the stag ran around her

We exchanged glances. "I want to tell her." james said

"What do we say as a reason?" peter asked

"I trust her." Remus said.

"What is going on?"

"To get the full thing we start with me."

"Your patronus?"

"No, my secret."


"Remember when you thought I was trans?'


"Because I had a time of the month?"


"Yeah, well it's a different time of the month."


"The moon."


"i'm -i'm a werewolf."

"Oh-oh wow."


She laughed. "I'm sorry"


"Sirius is really loving out those teen fantasties isn't he?"

He laughed along with her

"What?" i asked

"In muggle books there's some where they find out their lover is a werewolf."

"Oh well I knew he was a werewolf before I dated him."


"Anyway, so sirius?"

"Right, so Remus was all alone during the moons and it hurts so I found a way to be with him."

"And he thought you weren't in love with him?"

She got a smack on the arm from remus. I continued. "This was last January, I think, when I figured it out. We told Remus in april."

"Why that long?"

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