Gas mask's are necessary.

19 0 0

I'm sitting at the bar in trust, waiting for nothing. Some guy comes up to me and asks
"Do you want to feel like a superhero?" talking about drugs.
I say "No thanks, sir." as I look away. Some guy sits across from me, and I try to start small talk.
"Where are you from?" I ask. The man ignores me.
"You a gas Guzzler?" I'd ask, noticing he has a gas mask on.
"Nope, just a wastelander." I'd lightly nod. Another man sits at the bar, next to me.
He looks about 14-15.
Just to tease him, I say "Ya look about 13." He'd shake his head.
"I'm 16. You?"
"17." I'd say, then looking at the man across from me.
The man sitting across from me said "19."
I'd raise my eyebrows, considering he'd look in his 20's.
"I'm Leo, by the way." The man across from me said.
"I'm Aaron," I'd say.
"George." The youngest one sitting next to me would say.
"Nice to meet you guys." I'd say.
"What brings you to Trust?" George asked me.
Id' softly chuckle. "I practically live here."
"What are you doing in a place like this?" I'd ask george.
"Just what everyone else is here for."
"And that is.." I'd ask.
"Supplies and shelter." George said.
"And you?" I'd say, looking at Leo.
"I'm just staying here for now. I want to go to Trade Point X to find my sister again." He'd say, seeming down.
"Sister?" George says.
"Yeah. We got into this huge fight and I left for trust."
"That yours?" George asked Leo, pointing to a sniper rifle next to him.
Leo nodded. George raised his eyebrows, impressed.
Leo got up and went to the bathroom.
"Never seen someone more fine than him." I'd sarcastically tell george.
"You like him?" George asked.
I'd chuckle. "No." a few seconds of silence passed.
"Yea." I'd admit.
"I won't tell." George said, chuckling.
Leo came back and said hello.
Soon the loyalists came and filled the bar at trust.
I'd raise my attention and stand up.
"Loyalists.. Lets go?" I'd say because i'm the only guzzler. George and leo didn't understand. They followed me anyways though. We went around the corner, coming across the man trying to sell drugs. He'd give us an abnormal bullet.
"Give this to one of the loyalist's, when they fire it.. Everyone explodes." the high man said.
"No way. We're not doing that." I'd say. Leo took the bullet and walked up to the corporal and tapped her shoulder. I'd grab Leo, pulling him back.
"We can't kill loyalists!" I'd yell at leo. Soon enough, all of the loyalist's we're staring at us.
I'd take the bullet and chuck it over the fence. I'd drag Leo and George around the corner.
"I recognize her. The blonde one." Telling George and leo.
"I have a plan.." Leo'd tell me.
Leo would take us outside of trust, around a corner of a broken dome.
"I'll go in, lure the corporal outside alone, we will take her hostage and maybe kill her."
"Leo." I'd say staring into his eyes.
"Please be safe." I'd say.
Leo would go back into trust, George and I taking out our guns.
Leo walked back out, towards us. He didn't have the corporal.
"What happened?" I'd ask Leo.
"I chickened out. I'm sorry." Leo replied.
"It's fine. I'll go and get her." George say's.
"Thanks, and good luck." Leo said.
George then leaves, to get the corporal.
"You got a weapon?" I'd ask leo. He'd nod and take out a barbed wire bat.
George brought her outside and he'd say "We want to help you."
"In what way?" She replies.
Leo says "We have a weapon."
"What kind of weapon?" The corporal asks.
"We'll show you, just tell your men to back off." George says.
The corporal's guards followed her, protecting her.
The corporal looked at the guards and made a head gesture, telling them to head back inside.
"So what is this.. Weapon?" She asks.
"We'll just have to just show you." Leo says.
"Lead the way, Aaron." Leo tell's me.
I freeze. I think that we shouldn't do this. It was my idea. I need to stick with it, if we're gonna kill a loyalist.
I'd nod, walking towards a bunker I'd found a year back.
We'd all walk in, the corporal following us.
We'd surround her, taking out our guns.
George yells "Put your hands up!"
She'd put her hands up.
Leo snickered, saying "I never thought a corporal would be dumb enough to fall for this."
"What are you gonna do to me?" She'd ask.
"Kill you, if you don't answer our questions." George says.
"I'll take my chances." She'd say right before punching me in the gut, and running out.
"GET HER!" I'd struggle to yell to george and leo
We'd run after her, but by the time we got outside, she was gone.
"We have to split up. She obviously hid because we didn't see her run back to trust." I'd say.
"It's too late, Aaron." Leo would tell me.
"We have to find her!"
"Aaron?! Listen to yourself!"
"We have to kill her!"
A loyalist guard would walk over, and talk to someone. The 'someone' was the corporal and she'd walk out from behind the mountain corner.
"That's her!" I'd yell at leo.
"We can't win that fight." He'd calmly tell me.
"Two against three, we'll win."
"Look at the guard! Practically made of metal!"
"We have to!"
"We can't."
"WE CAN AND WE WILL!" I'd scream, pulling Leo towards the guard and the corporal.
Leo would take the back of his gun and sock me, knocking me out. Next thing you know we're at the lone python, and I sit up, groaning because of my head.
"You're awake." George said.
"Where are we?!" I'd ask.
"Lone python." Leo'd reply.
"We had a chance to kill her and we didn't!" I'd yell at leo.
"THAT'S A DEATH WISH." he'd scream at me. I'd go silent.
"If we go to fort kilmister then we can get gas guzzlers and kill ALL of the loyalists." Leo tells me.
"Let's go then. And could I get my gun back?" then leo gave me my pistol.
We start heading to fort kilmister. While walking, we saw what looked like a raptor.
"RAPTOR!" I yell.
Leo squints and says "it's a hound, it's got a collar."
Leo goes up to it and pet it, it's a loyalist dog. George and I follow and I step back when I see the torrance checkpoint vest.
"We can't take a loyal's dog." I say.
"C'mon Aaron. Pet it." Leo says.
I shake my head.
We continue walking. A storm picks up and I say
"Oh great, all because of this stupid dog we didnt make it and now theres a storm."
Leo Schoff's and then we see something. It's a psychotic bruiser. It runs up to us and throws George to the ground. The dog attacks it and the bruiser throws the dog at Leo, knocking both of them down. I freeze. I shoot it in the chest, right before it grabs me and socks me. I go unconscious. The bruiser walks away and the dog chases after it. I wake up, and Leo and George are both on the ground. I helped Leo up, then george. George yell's "LUCY!" after the nametag on the dog. After what felt like forever, Lucy finally came back. She was bleeding. She had scratch marks. She had bite marks. Her skin on her head was ripped off. George injected the dog with pain killers. Our last painkiller. He wasted it on a damn dog. We finally got to Fort kilmister. We'd walk in. There were dead bodies everywhere. Everything had been stolen.
"The loyalists.." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.
"I'm so sorry Aaron.." Leo tells me, because this place was where I was born and raised in.
I say "It's fine." A minute passes and I say "I'm going to the restroom." I go into a building and go down the stairs where my sister's room was. She was under the blankets, covered in blood. Before I could do anything I started bawling my eyes out. I slowly lift the cover to reveal her face with a gunshot in the forehead. I drop down to the floor and cry. George comes running down and sees. He hugs me and tells me it's okay. George is a nice person. I sniffle, whilst wiping my tears away. We go back up, not mentioning what happened.
"We should go back to trust." Leo says. George and I both look shocked.
"We're gonna get killed." I tell Leo.
"We have nothing. Maybe it's for the best." Leo says. I shake my head.
"All the loyalist's probably went back to torrance, I say we're safe." George replies.
We start walking back to trust. Lucy barks the whole walk. We find an abandoned car and loot it, finding some water bottles. On the way to trust, there's a building and apparently Leo lives there.
Leo drags us in and we sleep for the night. Lucy wakes us up early in the morning. Before we leave Leo grabs his sniper rifle. He's an excellent sniper. Leo goes to find some food he stored away, and George gets up on the roof bars, and I get up and sit next to him.
"What's on your mind?" I ask George.
"What if this is our last moment?" George replies.
"It's not george. Trust me." I say.
George looks down.
"We will grow old together. Spend the rest of our lives together, don't worry." I say, cheering him up. Leo found some food and we went on our way.
We're finally at trust. They make me go in first because I'm least afraid. We see a crowd of people. I go up to them and look to see if they're all loyalist's. They are all wastelanders.
Leo goes up to a girl and asks "Are the loyalist's gone?" and she shrugs her shoulders.
We huddle up and talk.
"They all at torrance?" Leo asks.
"I'd assume so." I say. I turn around looking at a man in metal, red white and blue stripes.
I turn back and say "Loyalist's are threaded through this crowd. We have to leave."
"Lets go to torrance. Kill them all." I'd say. George was very hesitant but they both agreed.
"We need sleep first." Leo'd say. I'd nod my head in agreement. We'd follow leo, down the sewers. It'd smell bad, and we could all tell.
"It's only for one night." Leo told us, looking back at George and I while walking in a swamp like sewer water. We'd sleep in a little room in the sewers. It smelled horrible, but I managed to fall asleep. I'd wake up to Lucy licking my face.
"Get off of me, dog." I'd say while pushing her away.
"So what'd ya want to tell me?" Leo asks me.
"What?" I'd say.
"George said you wanted to tell me somethin'. What is it?" He'd say. I'd have a confused look on my face. I'd walk over to George and whisper "What are you talking about?"
"The thing you told me at trust.." He'd say. I'd raise an eyebrow, still not knowing what he's talking about.
"The thing you told me about leo.. I'd say I wouldn't tell.." He'd whisper. An imaginary lightbulb went off over my head. I'd widened my eyes, Forgetting that I told George that.
"So..?" Leo asked.
"Oh, it's nothing. We should really get going actually if we want to make it to Torrance before dark." I'd say. Leo shrugged his shoulders, and we all started leaving the sewers.
We'd leave trust and start walking.
George stopped to feed Lucy. It'd take hours and hours of walking. We stopped, looting some motorcycles, cars, and even avoided a mutant.
We come across a gang of ridemasters. The leader stared at me, knowing I was a gas guzzler like them. He'd look back at his gang, gesturing to move over. They all would move over and I started walking through the gap, Leo and George following. The headman rode in front of George and Leo, stopping them.
"They're with me." I'd tell the captain of the bandits.
"They ain't gas guzzlers." He'd say. All of the assistants, companions, and they surrounded Leo and George.
"They're joining us guzzlers." I'd say, lying off the tip of his tongue.
"Great! We'll get him inscribed!" The leader said. I don't think Leo and George will turn into a guzzler just to kill some loyalists.
"Actually, Torr already is." I'd say, knowing that when he finds out that Torr wasn't converting them into a guzzler, I'd get into trouble. Probably about 7 whips, give or take. The ride master nodded, letting Leo and George go.
After a long walk,
We'd finally get to torrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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