After 4 hours:
Ipek opened her eyes and felt sleepy but relaxed. This time she took the phone to see the time and saw the new message:
A: You probably woke up and cause the sun is shining so beautifully.
Ipek laughed and got out of bed into the bathroom to switch to tan, and adjusted to her everyday style. (Slightly sporty too). Then she wrote to ateş to come in.
At 5 minutes, Ateş tried to open the door but was locked, Ipek turned the lock and opened the door:
I: Come in.
A: Good morning.
I: How polite you are.
A: The boss taught me.
I: Probably what a good boss you have, what are we going to do now?
A: I think we should have breakfast.
I: The first time you said something so clever.
A: Then let's get there.
I: Come on.
Ipek took the key and locked the doors.
While waiting for the elevator, Ateş looked down and then up at Ipek:
A: How long I have not seen you without heels and classic clothing.
I: Sometimes I forget what it feels like to wear freely style.
Ateş laughed.
As soon as they entered the restaurant they ordered breakfast. At this time Ateş brought a glass of milk from Swedish table.
A: Ipek teacher I have a surprise for you.
Ipek looked up with an interesting look.
A: Would you love to drink milk?
Ipek had a Unpleasant look on her face.
I: Ateş.
Ateş smiled and sipped his milk noisily.
I: You probably enjoy tomatoes too, right?
A: Paying back is not good behavior.
At this time the waiter brought the order, after finishing the meal:
A: I'm going to go to the beach, hopefully you will not let me go alone? Will you?
I: Yes I will go but what do you need me for.
A: If girls see such a nice guy alone, I'm afraid some girl will abduct me.
I: Then go alone, I will rest too.
A: ama anneeee
I: I will change and go.
A: Do not wait long.
I: I will arrive in 10 minutes.
A: Good.
Ipek met Ateş at the hotel entrance in 10 minutes. She was wearing a black deep-necked black swimsuit and high-waisted jeans short.
Atesh was surprised to see it but did not notice it.
A: If I did not know when you graduated from university, I would have doubted your age.
I: stop speaks nonsense.
When they came to the beach, they were talking about something, Ateş said something stupid, Ipek laughed.
A: Sorry beautiful lady, will you enjoy wearing sunscreen?
I: Pleasure, sympathetic man.
At this point they both laughed. (In reality, they were Doing a parody a couple lying in front of them)
Ipek looked at the clock and suddenly stood up:
I: Get up, how did so much time pass?
A: I don't know, I just told you a few jokes at times.
I: We are going.
A: okay i am coming.
A: Ipek wait.
I: What?
At that moment, Ateş rubbed the arm of her swimsuit, and as soon as he touched her body, a strange feeling came over him, as if he were touching silk.
I: Thanks.

Arriving at the hotel, Ipek suddenly went into the bathroom and started preparing for the conference, she came out of the bathroom already dressed, wearing a black bodysuit, a deep neckline dress, with a long zipper on her back. At which point she shouted with surprise:
I: Are you crazy? you Scared me! Or how did you get into my room?
Ateş showed the key and smiled
I: Go. I have to put it on.
A: You are already dressed literally. The only detail is missing.
As Ateş approached , there was a distance of centimeters between their bodies and closed zipper.
Ipek panicked and ran away from him. she sat down in the mirror and began to do her make-up, Ateş was looking as if he had never seen her. Ipek then took a bag and a shoe box out of the suitcase, put the phone in the bag and snatched the hotel key and got ready to leave.
Ateş opened the doors
A: First ladies.
The conference was a success and came to an end.
I: I did not expect you to say such a speech so well, thank you.
A: Always you at work. But hopefully you will thank me differently.
Ipek looked confused and as soon as something aggressive had to be said Ateş told her
A: I mean nothing bad I just wonder if you would come up to the bar with me?
I: Yes, why not.
A: oho glorious Ipek Tekin, an employee follows me to a Miami bar.
I: One day anything is possible.

I: ateş, do not order more drinks.
A: Why?
I: Because you and I are drunk enough.
A: Are you afraid of you will not be able to control yourself.
I: Of course not, I just do not want more.
A: Well what did you say everything is possible one day.
I: oooo OK, then I will drink tequila.
A: I already like it.
After a few glasses they both felt amazing freedom.
At that moment, Ateş got up and took her out and danced
He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him, realizing that Ipek was not going to resist. They were moving in the rhythm of the music, he could smell Ipek, he was touching her silky skin from time to time, Ipek noticed that she was still silently smiling, at this time he felt an something warm and put his lips to Ipeke's ear.
A: I think it's better to go.
I: aham.

Ipek could not balance as she exited the elevator, and Ateş grabbed her waist and helped him get to the room, took the key out of her bag, and ushered her into the room.
A: Good night Ipek.
I: Ateş wait.
Ateş smiled slyly and turned from the door.
I: Can you help me open the zipper?
A: Of course.
Ateş opened zipper, and brought his nose close to Ipek's neck so that Ipek could feel his breath. This time he kissed her on the neck
I: Do you think I am so drunk that you think I will give you the right to do that?
A: Once everything is possible.
Ipek turned around and smiled ...
I: Once ....?
Ateş slipped the arm of the dress and gently pushed her against the wall and between him, first kissed her neck then on her cheek then between her chin and lips and finally leaving a long kiss on Ipek's lips, at which time Ipek started unbuttoning Ateş's shirt and sighed. Ateş pulled Ipek out of the wall, laid him on the bed and took off his shirt, then burned Ipek from above and realized that this was the moment in his life that he had been waiting for a long time ...

Thanks for reading...
IB: DrunkofLife_
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