When the stewardess placed her tiny luggage in an over head holder, the sound of the tiny door shutting caused Madame Eclair to stop her conversation and bring her attention to Rose.

A tiny wave was sent to the older woman as Rose stood awkwardly, not exactly knowing what to do or say in a moment like this.

"Why Rose my dear, you've made it."

The woman stood from her seat, her posh manners and attitude sort of made Rose feel slightly uncomfortable when it was just the two, well technically three of them. It was different when Rose was meeting her at an event, she had prepared to be on her best behaviour and act politely to everyone. But when it was outside of her work she wasn't exactly used to the formal greetings and proper tones. It was rather intimidating for her since she was more of a small town girl, the city was still new to her just as much as leaving it was now.

"Hello Madame."

Rose approached Madame slowly, unsure of how to properly greet the lady. She stuck her hand out as a polite gesture but was refused when Madame stepped forward and quickly hugged her, placing two quick kisses to her cheeks.

"I am thrilled to have you here Rose, I am so pleased you decided to come along."

"Well I'm honoured you invited me, thank you so, so much. I've never actually left New York before so this is rather, different for me." Rose confessed her face flushing red with slight embarrassment.

"Well I am joyed to accompany you on your first flight outside of New York my dear."

Madame gave off an inviting and welcoming vibe and Rose was feeling her nerves slip away the more that they spoke.

Just as they were about to take their seats and prepare for take off, Madame stopped Rose abruptly and Rose couldn't help the worried feeling that came along, making her think that Madame would finally tell her that it was all one big joke and she wouldn't be coming back to London with her.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce you to my nephew."

Just as the words were spoken Rose felt a chilling stare settle upon her. Slowly she turned to where the boy was seated and piercing emerald green eyes were staring back at her.

But she recognized those eyes, she knew she had seen them before. Only Rose was sure that she had never seen or met this man in her life. Rose was good at remembering faces but his was surely one she had never witnessed.

Rose noticed his headphones unaccompanied his ears and she now had his full attention. His tall figure arose from his seat, his height alone made Rose want to cower away from his towering frame.

"Rose I'd like you to meet my nephew Harry." Madame smiled eagerly between the two and Rose sensed something odd about how excited Madame was to introduce them.

"Hello Rose, nice to meet you."

As her name slipped from Harry's pink lips Rose swore that the world slowed down a bit. It was his voice, she couldn't get over how deep and raspy it was and the thick British accent didn't help when it came to her almost melting into a pool at his feet.


Rose mentally face palmed herself after she had spoken her childish hello. She cursed herself out at the thought of him laughing at such a pathetic greeting. Rose wanted to do it over again and speak actual words to him but it was to late and she felt like a total fool.

After her awkward exchange, Rose was sitting in her seat which was unfortunately directly across from Harry's. He stared at her intently, noticing her constant moving hands and unsettling eyes roaming the plane.

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