.I Never Had Such a Strong Urge To Burn Something.

Start from the beginning

Am I in an army hospital?

As I finished looking at my ill furnished surrounding I looked back at the female in front of me. She looked at me with troubled eyes and an impatient expression

"Come on, the skiff is going to leave any minute now" she said picking a pile of clothes that looked very much like her own from the chair and handed it to me. Not knowing what to do, I took the clothes eyeing then uncertainly

Does she want me to wear this monstrosity?  And what does she mean by Skiff?

"I'm going to come back in one minute and when I come back you better be fully dressed " she said pointing a finger at me, giving me one final look she exited the tent

What the fuck is going on? 

I got up from the flimsy cot and went over to the table. I picked up the light grey sling bad and inspected it. There written with black pen, in my handwriting was

Senior cartographer - Aurelia Amherst

Just as I was running my finger over my name I heard a voice from outside the tent

"We don't have all day!" said the same woman who was standing in front of me a minute ago

I decided to listen to her and wore the hideous uniform. It was extraordinarily uncomfortable and extremely itchy. I never had such a strong urge to burn something.

I picked up the sling bag and shoved some papers and geometry supplies ,that were lying on the table, in it to inspect later and walked out of the tent.

Outside everywhere my eyes went I saw tents. Some small, some bigger than others, there was one tent that looked bigger and grander than all the other tents. It was situated in the center of all the other tents.

There were many people running around, talking and fighting. Most of them wore the same uniform as me but some of them wore colored long coats of different colors but mostly blue. I looked at them closely

That looks like a kefta

Is this a set .. or .. a place like disney world but instead of disney character costumes people are wearing Shadow and bone costumes.....Fans really can make anything happen..

As I was observing my surroundings someone snapped their fingers in front me. Surprised I looked to my right to see the same blonde woman

I swear I'm going to chop off her fingers if she does that one more time

"Now keep moving in that direction " she said pointing to our left "...and you will reach the docks. when you arrive there. Board the skiff with your fellow cartographers " she said as if she was talking to a five year old 

"This is as long as I can accompany you" 

"My you find everything you are looking for and more" she said softly, smiling sadly at me and stepped back, urging me to move

I nodded at her and started walking in the direction she pointed towards. I had a million questions that I wanted to ask her but something about the words she said and how she said them bothered me. It made my stomach feel heavy like something bad was going to happen.

I didn't even know her name

Just as she said there was a huge wooden ship just sitting there. On the ground

The set really is something else.

Just as I was admiring the view I looked behind the ship and there it was, something I never thought I would see. It was like a wall but instead of bricks and cement this one was made purely out of black smoke. Once in a while there would be a flash of white light from inside of The Fold, lighting up the dark shadows. Even from this distance I could see the smoke swirling around and it was real 

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