Robin turned the attention of the insightful Commissioner onto him, trying to cut the tension. Too bad he could not do it with his katana, it would be much easier than tiptoeing on verbal eggshells. "We learned that he calls himself the Black Mask."

Gordon sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling older than he was and excessively tired. "Great," he huffed, "This guy is back."

Red clenched his fist and saw red, the burning sensation of rage replacing that heavy weight. He managed to push it all aside before it got out of hand, but it wouldn't die out. He knew what all that anger would do to him, to his work. He knew his unnecessary emotions would only add unwanted troubles to the crappy mix known as Gotham's current situation. He knew that the family didn't – no, couldn't – afford another one.

They didn't need another Jason.

Batman placed an assuring and comforting hand on his third (adopted) son, sympathy shimmering in the blue eyes that rested beyond the cowl. "This... new Black Mask is different." He continued, wondering if he should send the caffeine addict on his normal patrol route for the rest of the conversation. He was obviously tense and uncomfortable, and Batman didn't want to push these discomforts further - even if it included not getting the exact details of what was discussed.

"Like, Joker Red Hood and then the current Red Hood," James noted as the Bats visibly reacted. The former warily glanced at them, before inquiring, "Not on good terms with the Red Hood?"

Batman shook his head, much to the displeasure of the other two masked males. They would be lying if they said that they didn't want to know his answer. It was the unasked question that hauntingly floated around the family in those hushed whispers and quick glances. Everyone was wary of the Bat when his second was mentioned, always treading on eggshells around him. "Not important," was the gruff reply, "we can discuss this when Barbara isn't in trouble."

The Robins shared a look that said, 'So we can talk about it now?'

James, however, simply nodded and agreed. "Yes."

"There is one last thing," Batman voiced, walked past the trio to survey the wide expanse of Gotham City, his posture radiating D R A M A.*

Everyone on that roof knew what was coming. It was time for one of B's dramatic - and traumatic - one-liners before he took off into the dark night to take his unresolved (teenage) angst and high blood pressure that rivalled his rage; now more than ever.

"This person..." He started, "He's not afraid to use anything to get what he wants, people included."

"We know," Red mumbled while rolling his eyes, his lips twitching down in annoyance. They weren't that dumb.

Batman looked over his shoulder. "I meant something else."

God, why did Damian even tolerate his father's childish antics?

Right. Bruce tolerated his. Whatever happened to the two drama kings balancing themselves out during dynamic duoing? Well, if the fact that the Bat family consists of people who fight for the title of both King and Queen was not enough, then Mobius only knows what is. The current successors were Nightwing and Bluebird, who was out of town with her brother for a few weeks. No information was given on the two (out of three) Narrows kids, so it was either personal trip that Bruce funded or a classified mission that Batman assigned. Spoiler took over in Harper's place, but Batgirl kept on threatening to overthrow the waffle fanatic with a well-devised plan. Stephanie's statement was rather bold, even for Damian who knew challenging Gordon was a bad idea.

'Come at me, bitch.'

"What are you saying?" Bless Gordon's tired soul for tolerating the Bat's antics.

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