8. The Party (Part 3)

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After the announcement was made and Louis was declared the Alpha of the pack and Harry, their Luna. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Some dancing, some eating, and the others just chatting around with different kinds of drinks in their hands.

Louis had introduced Harry to his best friends, Liam, Niall and Zayn, and Zayn's mate Gigi. They all get along very well, especially Gigi and Harry.

"I'm gonna get a drink. Want anything, love?" Louis said and directed his question to Harry, as everyone else already had a drink, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist, the other hand in his trousers' pocket.

"Just some water, please. I'll come with you?" Harry replied, smiling at Louis. Louis nodded and smiled back. He led Harry towards the bar, with a hand on the small of his back, muttering a 'see you guys later' to his friends.

They are stopped on their way when Lottie approached them with a beautiful girl who has long curly brown hair and hazel eyes along by her side.

"Hello, brother." She smiled at Louis, who smiled back with a 'hi' in return. She then turned to Harry and said while smirking at him, "Hello there, Harold. Didn't get time yesterday at dinner to introduce myself. I'm Lottie, Louis' sister. Oh, and this is my friend, Eleanor."

Harry's eyes widened when he recognized the name Eleanor as Louis' ex-girlfriend. He looked at Louis, who glanced at Eleanor, then at Harry, then again at Eleanor before looking at sister, glaring.

"Hi," Harry stuttered, looking at Lottie, then at Eleanor before looking down.

"Louis, can we talk?" Eleanor said to Louis before glancing at Harry and adding, "In private?"

"What do you want to talk about, Eleanor?" Louis snapped and looked at her.

"Be nice to her, Louis. It was wrong what you did to her. Yeah, I know that she was your girlfriend and that you broke up with her out of nowhere." Lottie said to Louis before glaring at Harry. "And I also know whose fault it was." She hissed at Harry, which caused him to tear up slightly.

Louis wrapped an arm around Harry's waist protectively.

"It wasn't his fault, Lottie," Louis said, glaring at Lottie and Eleanor both.

"Oh, wasn't it, Louis? Tell me how it wasn't his fault. Because as far as I know, you broke up with her because he is here now, and he is set up to mate with you." Lottie snapped at Louis again while glaring at Harry.

"No, it wasn't his fault, Lottie. It wasn't his fault because he was only four when we got engaged. He didn't know what was even happening. I didn't know what was happening. I know you are angry that I wasn't given a choice here. But he wasn't given a choice, either. Hell, he wasn't even given time to soak the news up. He was told just the day before he arrived here. At least I was given a week to soak it up. But he wasn't. And what I did to Eleanor was wrong, but what I did to Harry wasn't? Huh? We are going to be mates. So, tell me this, Lottie, why doesn't he deserve to get love and affection from his mate? Why does he deserve to be cheated on by his mate, huh? No one deserves that, Lottie. And that wasn't the only reason I broke up with Eleanor. I'm sorry if what I'm about to say would hurt you, Eleanor. But I feel something with Harry that I didn't felt with you. I feel like my heart is torn into a million pieces when I see tears in his eyes. It breaks my heart to him sad. I liked you, Eleanor. But what I feel towards Harry is a thousand times more than what I felt towards you. So, no, Lottie, it wasn't his fault that I broke up with Eleanor."

When he finished his (not so) small rant, the other three were staring at him. Harry, with a big smile on his face and his cheeks wet with tears. Lottie, with his eyes wide, shocked at what he just said, and Eleanor, with her face red from anger.

Louis picked Harry up, bridal style, and walked away. Harry had wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and was staring at his face while still smiling, but his tears have stopped.

Louis walked upstairs, out of the packhouse, and towards his car while still carrying Harry in his arms. He unlocked his car, opening the door of the passenger seat. He sat Harry down and buckled him in before he went to the driver's side.

"Did you mean it?" Harry asked Louis after he settled in.

"What?" Louis asked in confusion, looking at him.

"Did you mean it when you said that you feel more towards me than you felt towards her?" Harry asked shyly, looking down at his lap. 

Louis leaned forwards and lifted Harry's face towards his own by hooking two fingers under his chin.

"I did. I meant every word I said back there, Harry." Louis said, his breath fanning Harry's face.

"I like you too, Louis, so much," Harry said, blushing a bit but also leaning a bit closer to Louis' face.

Louis leaned in more and closed the gap between them. His lips pressed onto Harry's. When he realized Harry wasn't going to pull away, he moved his lips against Harry's, Harry following his actions. They both felt like sparks were going around, and fireworks went off. Harry giggled a bit after kissing Louis for like a minute or something, feeling overly giddy.

"What?" Louis asked, confused as to the younger boy was giggling.

"I'm just feeling so happy. And it was my first kiss." Harry confessed shyly, blushing and, started to giggle again after a few seconds.

Louis smiled fondly at the giggling boy who sat in his car's passenger seat. He leaned back in his seat and started his car, pulling out of the parking area and turning towards their home.

[AN: They kissed!!

Is it normal that I was going to freak out when they kissed the first in my own fanfic?😅😂

Anyways, Thank you for reading my fanfic :)

Love ya <3]

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